So How Will Fox Spin OBL Death?

Obama did what Bush couldn’t, how is Fox going to make him pay for it?

They had Rivera on, and he was blathering about the spotty coverage on “rival network” CNN.

Bush put all the pieces in place, and Obama just happened to be hanging around when it happened.

I don’t know, but the teabaggers I know in person literally hate Obama more than Bin Laden based on their responses to todays news. I even brought this up and they said ‘yup, we do’.

I have no idea if Fox will have the same behavior.

Trump will come out claiming that he pushed Obama into making that move.

My predictions:

  1. Call it “a victory for all America”. Big emphasis on the military and CIA. Give them all the credit and none will be left over for the White House.
  2. Refer a lot to bin Laden being a has-been who was no longer an active threat. This implies he was a harder target to hit a few years ago.
  3. Talk a lot about how bin Laden’s death will create possible unrest and terrorist attacks in his memory. Make it sound like his death might be a negative thing.
  4. “Accidentally” put up a graphic identifying him as Osama bin Laden (D).

Who really cares what Fox thinks? Bin Laden is dead! Dead is dead is dead!

I understand they already had a headline that read **Reports: Obama bin Laden Dead

So far Fox has had a big Boehner over it. I have noticed no sniping yet.

Or Barak Obama (R)

They’ll report the news so the majority of Americans can rejoice and leave it to the politically self absorbed to invent something to bitch about.

Found a pic.

Please tell me that’s a fake.

Let me guess, you’ll be here all week, tip the waitresses.

Try the [del]veal[/del] pork.

Not as far as I know.

I think this deserves quoting from the MPSIMS thread:

Very little spin thus far and actual praise for Obama. Don’t worry Der Trihs, I’m sure you can find something to get worked up about.

Really Geraldo? “This is bigger than the moon landing”

Tomorrow’s Fox News headline:

“African-American male confesses to murder of homeless elderly man”

That should be an Onion headline!