So, I bought a DVD Burner and am attempting to burn a DVD.

I just bought a DVD Burner and am trying to burn a DVD.

It is a Pioneer DVR-105.

I have tried to burn video and data DVDs.

They have both failed.

The media initially shows up as being fine, and then after being burned the media doesn’t show having data, and then will not erase.

This is a DVD-RW drive.


Software wise I have used Nero, Sonic DVDit, and Ulead DVD Workshop.

Oh… but t burns CD-Rs just fine…


What brand/type of media are you using?

Thus far: Memorex. DVD-RW media.

Hrmmm. I use memorex media with no problems (I was having tons of problems with philips media, even though I heard it is relabeled memorex. Go figure). Other then wild guessing, I am clueless.

Try Some good information as far as hardware compat. there. Some DVD-RW don’t get along well with certain combinations of OS, media, etc.

Try flashing to the latest firmware.

Yep, 105’s have media issues. Now if only they could make new firmware to get around that issue…

You should try -R disks too. has media for nice prices & they have media based on what recorder you have.

And where did yo hear that they have media issues, Handy?

It has the latest firmware.