So I broke my wrist

It’s my right wrist and I can barely use my left for anything. I did a bang up jobas I broke both the ulna and the radius. I can peck out this post with my right hand, but it is uncomfortable. This sucks; I’ve got shit to do.

Oh no. So sorry to hear this.

Don’t type too much.
I feel your pain. I have a broken foot at the moment.
Altho’ I don’t type with my toes.
It makes me so mad to have to stay down.

I can be the laziest person ever, til they say I have to.

Can you enable speak to type/text kinda thing?

Heal well.

Speaking of having “shit to do”: A few decades back, I was working the ER and a mom came in with her 8 year old son, who’d fallen off a porch and landed on his extended arms. He had bilateral fractures of both wrists; radii and ulnas. Uncomplicated, but still needing splinting and Ortho follow-up.

After getting his splints on him, he looked at me and said “How am I going to eat?” I looked right back and said “The same way you’re going to wipe your butt. With help.”

So, could be worse, but still a huge pain. Heal well and quickly.

You’re about to hafta learn, buddy.

I’m also extremely right-handed, and a few years back suffered a hand injury.

I remember the 1st time I brushed my teeth left-handed, I’m pretty sure I bruised my own gums.

Wiping after potty was … unsatisfying, to say the least. Felt like I just was not getting the job done properly.

Gave up one some things, such as putting on socks, until my hand healed up. Too friggin’ frustrating.

Cross-dominance is a blessing sometimes.

Sylvanz, that totally bites! What’s the medical treatment for it? Every fracture’s different, right?

I’ll take an injured hand/arm over a lame foot/leg any day.

Yeah, pretty much.

I’m right-handed, and I broke my right hand when I was 17. It was in a cast for about two weeks. Of course, I was in high school, and had to be able to write: take notes, write tests, and so on; and the only way I could do that was to use my left hand. So I did.

My handwriting was nowhere as neat as with my right hand, and it took more time to do, but it got better and faster over those two weeks. Not perfectly, but adequately.

You’ll learn. You’ll have to.

I think the reason i learned to write with my left hand is that i broke my right wrist shortly before my school started teaching penmanship.

But then i broke my left thumb in high school and had to learn to write with my right hand. It was hard and slow. But i managed.

Man, I feel for you. I broke my right radius at the wrist in a mountain biking crash on February 15th. Had surgery on March 1st to install a metal rod and screws to keep the wrist aligned while it healed. Doctor said it would be three or four months before the surgery to remove everything. I saw the doctor last week and despite hoping for three months, it turns out much closer to four, with the surgery scheduled for June 21st. In my case, the good news was that I was able to use my right hand as much as could reasonably be expected. Doorknobs turned out to be difficult, as well as putting on a belt. Hopefully you will have some use of your hand, however limited.

I am so sorry. I hope your healing period passes with no complications and you’re back to living your usual life as soon as possible. It sounds miserable!

Having been there myself (see above), it is. But I tried to make the best of it, and won a few dollars off folks. “Hey, five bucks says I can hold a lit cigarette in the palm of my hand for five seconds. Listen, you wanna go ten seconds? Your five will get you ten.”

The mark takes the bet, and I lay a lit cigarette in the plaster-covered palm of my right hand. Never felt a thing, and won every time.

Mark: You never said it would be on the plaster cast on your right hand!
Me: You never asked which hand.

I’m ambidextrous. To a point.
Lefty mostly.
But we had to learn to sketch with the non-dominate hand in college. I got really pretty decent at it. I kept on after that part and learned to print righty.
Can’t cursive. But I was not ever real good lefty.
I print tiny.
I guess to control it better.

Yeah you can learn. But no one writes any more. Use your phone to take notes. If you have to sign, beg off, that electronic sign in at pharmacies and such, just flail a line. They’ll accept it.

Not time to start your novel on an old type writer. Sorry. You just have to put it off a bit longer.

The other stuff you’ll just have to outsource. You do have grandkids, right?

When I was a kid, I spent one summer vacation with a cast on my left arm. Another kid also had a cast on his arm.

When we picked up teams to play football, there was one cast on each team and we each used our casts as weapons.

I probably could do the speak to text. I don’t know if I will. I probably just won’t post/ read much. I’ll just pout l go with my talent. :slight_smile:

I wrote this last night to Beck and didn’t realize it didn’t get posted.

The doctor says 8 weeks. No surgery thankfully. I’m wearing a brace thing that molded to my arm with heat it lces up with a knob that turns. It’s a bi like a rigid corset. Luckily, I don’t have to write with a pen or anything. I am getting by with more err personal tasks, it ain’t beautiful or efficient, but it gets done without help.
Taking care of hubster is the challeng, but I’m learning some tricks, and yes the family helps when they’re here and they can.


I wrecked my right wrist somehow, years ago. It was a sprain, not carpal tunnel, but it was excruciating and I could NOT use my right hand.

Two things: velcro close sneakers, and pull-on pants.

I learned how to ten-key and mouse with my left hand. I had work to do, and I really needed the paycheck.

Good luck. You’ll adapt. It won’t be easy, but you’ll adapt.


Best wishes. :grimacing:

Thanks everyone for the good wishes. I’m wondering if anyone has any idea why when I try to text or push buttons with my right hand, I get pain from my elbow to my fingers, the two middle fingers. It’s like somebody’s tapping on my Funny Bone with a ball peen hammer. It’s a bit like my carpal tunnel is acting up. I’m using talk to text it works relatively well. I doing it because the pain from my elbow to my fingertips can get pretty excruciating.

Hitting that last nerve?:wink:

I don’t know, must be nerve related tho’.

Yeah, l know it is, but I’m curious asto why.