So, I lost my damned glasses


In my car after all. Jammed between the driver’s seat and the console.

It’s dark when I leave for work and dark when I get home. With daylight and some time to spare today I found the buggers. Both arms were bent and they were dirty with salt water splotches, but they cleaned up nicely and the arms were straightened with no discernable damage.

:smiley: This makes me incredibly happy! :smiley:

Ya know, if youse people would just look in the last place you look for them first, you wouldn’t be missing things for so long. :smack:
Glad you found them.

C’mon, 'fess up. They really were on top of your head after all, weren’t they?

I can see! It’s a miracle! :smiley:

Seriously, Leaffan, glad to hear that you found your glasses.

Your car stole your glasses. It wanted to see better.

W00t !!!

My eyesight/glasses kept me out of Viet Nam in the '60s!

During one of my out-of-town contracts, I lived just under a mile from a small lake, and I would walk to the lake each evening and walk back, for my exercise. There was a landing that I would sit on while watching for the wildlife. I enjoyed going right at dusk to watch for owls and bats.

I was sitting on the landing one evening, when I saw a dark shape swooping over the water, as I turned my head to look, a buzzing insect was flying around my head, and I waved my hand to shoo it away. Somehow, while turning my head and simultaneously swatting at a buzzing insect, I managed to knock my glasses off of my face. I didn’t hear a splash, but a quick brailing of the landing proved to me that the glasses were not there.

Fortunately, I was within normal walking distance from the room I was renting. The next day, I rode the bus to work, so I could compose an email to let the rest of my team know why I would be late. Then another bus to Lens Crafters.

I really liked those glasses. They came with a pair of matching sunglasses that attached to the glasses frame with little magnets. I still have the snap-on sunglasses.

That would be me. But I LIKE looking like a nearsighted bug! My wearovers are … reflective cop / hipppie blue :smiley:


Hello, friend!