So, I told my wife I'm leaving her today...but this cracks me up!

She cried a bit. Meh…I think I’ve mentioned our troubles in a couple other threads.

But anyway, I have this really hot coworker who’s happily married but still a really good friend. She saw I was looking kinda bummed out this afternoon and did the math on her own. A few minutes after confirming her suspicions, I heard this wafting over the cubicles. I haven’t been able to stop snickering since. She’s cool. And so is the dude who created these things.

Man, life is surreal someti…well, I guess technically it’s always surreal isn’t it?

Just wanted to point out that this IS NOT work safe.

The very reason why the internet should be shut down. :smiley:

Yes! I love them. I think I’m the only person on the planet that liked those Quiznos commercials with them.

[sub]We are not the huns…[/sub]

Why not

Maybe because it’s loud?

Inigo, I hope things work out well for you.

No way. I love the freaky monkey things.

Spong Monkeys, to be precise.

Not that anyone gets anal about details around here, nosiree.

Somewhere on that site are some kittens in Viking Helmets singing Led Zep’s Immigrant Song.

It sounds like this more a question of When, than If, and you’re glad to be past it, or do we read to much into the tone, Inigo?

Breaking up sucks from both sides.

Oh…total soap opera pends, trust me.

I’m so pathetically in love with her it’s, well, pathetic. But a marriage of one is torture for two, and so I have to end it while my slippery grip on sanity holds. The cliffs are so high, so high…and the shrieking eels are waiting in the abyss should I fall!

I’ve always been told that my sense of humor will get get me through life’s toughest challenges. This is not the six-fingered man which took my father, I fear that this is my Man in Black. And the fight is upon me.

That’s OK, Inigo, we’ve got you covered. I just saw Buttercup get into position.

It’s completely innocuous. I wouldn’t like to work where you do!

That said, if you were working in a place that wasn’t cool with such things, you wouldn’t want to click the hedgehogs singing the ‘Thinking about your piss flaps’ song on the same site. :smiley:

Sponge monkeys, to be even *more *precise. :slight_smile:

No, that is decidedly NOT work safe, although I don’t recall that particular term. It’s a good one though.

Not anymore. I wrote the guy and asked why, and IIRC, he wrote back saying it’s that he can’t have a link to that on a site based in the UK or some such. He pointed out another link where you can find it, but I’m not certain I can link it here. It isn’t a site put up by Joel Veitch, the person admits to downloading the video and hosting it himself. The site doesn’t say that it’s with the creator’s permission, though it gives a link back to and is unaltered, it’s got Joel Veitch’s name, and the song/band name credit on it. It shows up on a search for Viking Kittens though.

The Viking Kittens can be found doing Gaybar Possibly NSFW YMMV

Sorry to hear about your troubles Inigo

Spongmonkeys, according to rathergood’s front page, to be perfectly accurate. :slight_smile:

On another note, does anyone remember the one where kittens (I think it was kittens) were dressed as vikings on a ship and singing some song about valhalla? Who wrote that song, what is it called and where can I find the kitten video?

Are you being funny, Wesley (note how I didn’t type “Westley”)?

The song you’re talking about is The Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin, as referenced earlier in this thread.

Am I getting whooshed here?

I missed it the first time around