So much for the United Methodists

Rev. Beth Stroud Defrocked

Hey, it’s their game, they can do what they want. But when they come knocking and saying they have “open hearts, open minds” I’m calling bullshit.

If it’s such a problem for them, how did she ever get ordained in the first place?

But we’re supposed to remember there are people fighting in the congregations for gays and so and so forth and we’re supposed to ignore the actual acts of the organization. Didn’t you get the memo?

People keep leaving me off the mailing lists for this sort of stuff, too, so if you didn’t get the memo, don’t feel alone. I know what my obligation to Christ is, and it entails treating you guys like you were human beings, worthy of love and acceptance – but it would seem that the esteemed Archbishop of Armagh thinks I should repent of that. As between Apb. Eames and the Guy on the Cross, I know which one I’m going to follow.

Beth, if somebody ever gives you a link to this message board thread, know that there’s one happily married Episcopalian couple who thinks you got the shitty end of the stick, and hopes that your lay ministry will be as fulfilling as your ordained was.

Lots of Christians are fighting the good fight and often it is against ourselves. The ELCA has done a synod wide human sexuality study and will face a vote in 2005 to decide if the status quo of allowing gay clergy to be ordained as long as they are celibate or to allow them to have the same basic rights as heterosexuals. I think it’s almost a certainty to split the denomination. We know what side we’re on so it remains to be seen if we have to repaint out sign and get new stationary if we have to leave the ELCA.

The Beth Stroud issue is very close to my congregation because a member is a pastor herself, serving as chaplin in a local hostpital. She has been “delisted” which isn’t as severe as being defrocked but she had to go outside the ELCA to work as an ordained minister.

Do straight clergy members remain in good standing if they live with a partner they aren’t married to? Would the idea of the same rights as heterosexuals mean establishing gay marriage and then expecting all clergy in relationships to be married to their partners?

Probably too many doctrinal differences for the Episcopals, but isn’t it likely that the Church of Christ (congregationals), or some such will take her in?