So, nobody watches Girls on HBO?

I have to admit that if my SO wasn’t such a fan I’d never tune in. It’s the second season now and I think I’ve watched every episode from the beginning, despite myself.

I don’t know what to make of the show. Well written. Well directed. Occassionally poorly acted (Brian Williams’ daughter is the worst actor there).

I get the angsty 20’s shit. I get the lost generation awkwardness angle. I get the over-dramatized story for the sake of interest. I even appreciate that most of the characters are not supposed to be likeable, and when they are it’s purely by accident.

Two things suprise me however…

  1. I keep watching it despite a vague sense of revulsion.
  2. Nobody here evidently watches or comments on it.

So, yeah… Girls on HBO.

What do you make of it?

We’ve had threads on it in the past. I watch it every week and love it. It’s one of my favorite shows on television right now, up there with Breaking Bad and Mad Men.

I know a lot of people hate it, but I think you’re either into it or not and if you’re not, I’m not going to bother trying to make you change your mind.

The guys on girls are the best part of the show though, Adam and Ray especially.

Agreed. By far the most interesting characters. Nice change from the usual way guys are most commonly portrayed in sitcoms as mouth breathing imbeciles.

I watched the first couple episodes of the first season, and I wanted to like it, but just couldn’t get into it. Lena Dunham may indeed be a smart, funny writer, but her characters are unlikable and unwatchable; I couldn’t care less about their lives. And yes, like the OP, I understand they are supposed to be unlikable, but in my case at least, I couldn’t see any redeeming quality to watching them.

I love the show and did not realize the bitches were back. I’m used to seeing it in tandem with Game of Thrones. Is English Girl still married to lecherous creep? How’s the middle child liking sex?


And she’s blossoming a little (only a little).

I watch it, and pretty regularly, but weirdly, I can’t say I like it. It’s like a trainwreck. I’m exactly like Rosario Dawson’s character in Clerks 2: “I’m disgusted and repulsed and I can’t. Look. Away.”

It’s well-written, and the acting’s OK, but yeah, everyone’s pretty unlikable. I don’t know that it’s a good reflection of any sort of reality (at least, not any reality I’m familiar with), but it’s weirdly compelling, that’s for certain.

Yeah, this is exactly how I feel about it as well. I watch it every week even though I don’t care about any of the characters and actively dislike some of them. (Hannah & Adam are just gross. This past week’s episode especially.)

I could have written exactly this post. I decided early on that I simply didn’t want to spend any more time with these people.

I suppose I can understand how some might relate to it, or enjoy it in a trainwreck sort of way as Snickers mentioned… But I do have to say that I find all the Emmys and Golden Globes and other awards rather perplexing.

I can’t quite put a finger on it, but I just can’t like it. I haven’t watched enough to really give it a fair shake, but I can’t stop feeling like Lena Dunham is somehow criticizing me when I watch it.

She’s clearly talented and driven and I find her pretty damn cute, but I just can’t bring myself to like her or it. The whole thing gives me the heebie jeebies.

Tried it, couldn’t relate to any of the self-absorbed characters.

I couldn’t watch. I was watching for a bit but every character totally annoyed me.

You know, I get what you mean.
When she was on the Daily Show, she told a story about how photographers backstage at (I think) the Golden Globes criticized her and her castmates for not knowing how to pose properly after getting their awards.

While she succeeded in pointing out how silly and superficial Hollywood can be, at the same time I couldn’t help noticing just how smug she seemed to be above all that superficiality, and it was a bit off-putting. “Look how slouchy and awkward I am! I’m such an outsider!”

Yeah they’re such outsiders with parents like Brian Williams and David Mamet.

I gave it three episodes for being an HBO and not having been disappointed by them before. It was horrible. I don’t mind shows with unlikeable characters as long as you make them hilarious or interesting, the characters in this were neither.

A few weeks ago I got very close to bumping a thread from when the show first came out, but since it had turned into a weekly discussion I didn’t want to thread shit. Thanks for giving me the chance to drop a load now.

I think it’s an unmitigated steaming pile of shit that incorporates just about all the cliched and absurd aspects of indie films that have a self-satisfied, smug pride in being “quirky” “off beat” and “self-aware”. Nothing about it feels organic or realistic. The characters are unlikeable. The writing is mediocre. The acting is passable. Apparently it’s a comedy, but I wouldn’t have known.

The best example from what I can remember is the tall doofy-looking guy that was fucking the main character. Since she is not conventionally attractive and a bit different, it would make sense for her love interest to be idiosyncratic and not conventionally good looking. But he’s also gross, abrasive, insulting, creepy, arrogant and kind of abusive. Despite all this he apparently has a bunch of girls into him. Someone in the other thread questioned how that was possible, to which the correct answer is: It’s fiction and it’s written by someone who doesn’t seem to have all that much to say but is hell bent on being seen as the outsider who “gets it”. So, instead of making intelligent and insightful changes to or jabs at the idea of the overused Hollywood lothario character, she’s simply created a repulsive character invented girls who are drawn to him, stood back and said, “Boom! You haven’t seen that on TV before!”

In essence, I agree with thisreview. This particular section being my favorite:

I’m sorry - off topic, but this gives me an opportunity to rant about cable/satellite. I don’t watch “Girls” on HBO because I refuse to pay for the premium channels (which I can afford). I’d love to see these award-winning shows, but I have basic satellite channels and pay over $100 a month. That is all. Carry on.

I like it. The characters are dysfunctional, but I don’t necessarily find them unlikeable. And I enjoy the weird pacing and humour. There’s rarely the usual joke setup or punchline, instead they just kinda slowly dial-up the characters neurosis as a scene progresses. I can see why others find it off-putting, but the humour works for me.

I’ve been, somewhat reluctantly, watching this show since it came out. The people on this thread saying they can’t relate to the show makes sense since it’s about modern-day 20-somethings in New York City, so if you’re not that then I can understand why you don’t get it. As a current NYC resident, I can say that the show is SPOT ON in rendering that demographic on screen. Early twenty-somethings who are narcissistic, difficult, entitled, romantic and easily manipulated by “educated cool” in new york city is what fuels this show. The sad part is that there is no other show offering this view of the city right now since How To Make It In America and Bored To Death were both prematurely cancelled.

So why do people like Girls? let me try to explain it to some of you.

NYC is a city of big dreams, romance and passion. There are two kinds of young people in New York City: people who grew up there and are there to stay, and people who moved there to get lost in pursuing their dreams. The latter are usually college or post grads , but both are quite often artists and/or somehow involved in the fashion or entertainment industries in some way. TONS of writers, designers, visual artists and musicians and actors, all of which are feeling very lost while trying to make their way, but also very excited and stimulated and are many times on their own for the first times in their lives. Lena Dunham’s character and most of the other characters on the show fall into this category. In short, it’s a really good snapshot of young, privileged thinkers in new york.

Yes, it’s not the only demographic in NYC in real life, but this is generally the demographic of the characters of the show. Yes, some of the characters are abrasive, but I swear to you that they all totally exist. This is the thing that draws me to the show because it does speak to people like me who have partied with and befriended these people. They are creative, they are individualistic, they are passionate and they have no fucking clue what they are doing. Most of them have no problem speaking their mind and expect people to be paradoxically both open to freely expressing themselves yet offended by intolerance and rudeness. It’s weird and self-contradiction, but it totally exists and this show captures it.

However… I generally HATE Lena Dunham’s character, almost with a passion, along with the girl who recently lost her virginity, whose voice and demeanor make me want to punch her in the face 99% of the time she is on the screen. Our main character is a total bitch to her ex-boyfriend, not attractive in any way aside from her interests, and is the most selfish and self-entitled person on the show. I wonder how much Lena Dunham is actually like that in real life cuz the show is so obviously auto-biographical, especially since she shows her boobs 50 times too often (can anyone say attention-whore?). Her recently de-virginized friend is no better, but at least she’s not the main character.

What saves the show is the depth of every other character, which I guess you could chalk up to great character development. Each one seems to have such a vastly creative, yet realistic background that we get to see carry out on the screen blow by blow. It’s a treat, actually, cuz most shows skip over character development these days, even some of the ones I think are the best shows on television (like ‘House of Lies’… awesome show, but we only know about two of the characters, Marty and his blonde sidekick (barely), but at least it’s full of zingers).

So, to sum up…yea. I love it but those two girls ruin it. Since the show is called ‘Girls’, I feel bad that it ends up that way, but it’s still better than Gossip Girl and most other female-led shows out there.

I could go on about how awesome I think Adam is, but in general I just wanna say that calling the show “mediocre” tells me that you just don’t get it.

I watch it every single week. Look forward to it even. But… I can’t really find a word to describe my feelings. ‘Like’ isn’t entirely accurate. ‘Fascinated,’ maybe? I’m totally engrossed in these characters although I dislike everyone but Ray.

But I have no idea how a normal, likable ‘voice-of-reason’ character would fit in or make sense in this world.

‘Fascinated’. I’ll go with that.