So Slooooooow ... (if it works at ALL, that is)

Connect: Host contacted. Waiting for reply…

…and waiting and waiting and waiting. This wouldn’t surprise me if it was the early afternoon right now since the board seems to go down for a couple hours just about every day, but it’s 1:00 AM CST and MPSIMS simply won’t respond! The other forums are unbelievably slow, but at least they work.

I thought admin was going to start trimming old posts. What happened to that idea? Hell, why not just snip everything since last September or so? Nobody’s reading 6 month old threads anyway. I don’t think people will mind their post counts being lowered a bit in exchange for a board that actually works!

I’m relieved to find I’m not the only one who can’t get into MPSIMS…

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It sucks I can’t get into MPSIMS either. This is a reoccuring problem that you guys running this board should nab in the but. It is a fixable problem. Do you guys need money or something. Just have everyone on the board contribute a couple bucks every once and a while. Smart people aren’t poor.
C’mon this is LAME.

A hurricane is a breeze of a bigly size.

The server was reset earlier today. Things should be better now.

your humble TubaDiva
The Straight Dope

They’re not.

Give me immortality, or give me death!

Hate to complain, but it’s still no go from here…

Always remember that you are unique, just like everybody else. MIPSIMS : where we put the fun back in dysfunctional.

Seems fine now.

Sorry for your inconvenience.

your humble TubaDiva
The Straight Dope