I’m planning to buy a new sewing machine soon. The one I have is a basic Singer that’s about 26 years old. A few years ago the zig-zag on it went completely out of whack, and for some reason even the straight sewing now pushes to the right. So, I’m going to let my mother buy me a new machine, as in, I’m using some of my inheritance.
When I started looking I was figuring on just a sewing machine, but I saw a demo of one of the embroidery machines and ever since then I’ve been coming up with ideas to use those features, so I’m leaning in that direction. It’s a lot more money than I had originally planned, but I really think I will use it. I already have sewing projects lined up, including my daughter’s prom dress, and I’m coming up with new plans all the time.
So, do any of you have any experience with these machines? Can you tell me about brands or features? What can you tell me about the embroidery cards they use? It’s a big decision, so any info you can give me would be appreciated.
I don’t have an embroidery/sewing machine. Never saw the need for one. Seems to me, unless you do a lot of sewing for children or sports teams, make all the gifts you’ll be giving, or want to start a home business, the novelty would wear off rather quickly. A friend of mine did one embroidery project, and now basically she just uses it as a conventional sewing machine. Those cards are expensive, and sometimes you can’t find one with the stuff you really want. There is a gizmo that lets you download stuff from a computer into the machine, but I don’t have the details on that. You’ll also need to have a lot of different threads:colors, weights, and of varying fiber content. Stabilizers up the ying-yang are the order of the day. Every time you get another catalog in the mail, there’s another “gotta have” notion you feel incomplete without. I’d think long and hard about investing in one. Maybe you just need a really good, serviceable sewing machine with several good features that’ll let you do everything from curtains to quilts to clothes to crafts, among other things. Good luck in your decision.
I feel pretty much the same as quiltguy. Perhaps you could find someone who owns such a machine locally, ask them about it, and then pay them to do some things for you? IIRC it’s several hundred dollars extra, which is a lot for a few cute pictures.
As far as regular sewing machines go, I love my Bernina. But there are many sewing machines that will give you great performance for less money. I wouldn’t buy another Singer, though, from what I hear they aren’t as good these days.
I’ve only had my Singer for a couple of years, and haven’t had any problems, but I have only had it for a couple of years, so that’s no real test of time. When I go visit my mom, I’ve got a machine that my grandma lent me that belonged to her sister. That thing is solid!
My aunt recently bought an embroidery machine. She spent quite a bit on it, but she also does a lot of craft shows and plans on taking in a lot of custom work from people to make up the cost. If you were willing to do that, I’d say go for it, but if not, I don’t know that it’s worth the expense.