So the company is based in Africa. And it's called... Nigaz... mmkay.

I’d like to invest, but I’m not sure if dem Nigaz gonna rise up.

So if their employees were to be taken to court for criminal misconduct and they tried to cut deals, it’d be a clear case of “Nigro pleas”.

The trial would be Nigro-rigged, though.

In China I once heard a group of local kids attempting what I thought was rap music. Everything was in Chinese except the word “Nigaz.” Now I realize that it wasn’t a rap song they were doing, it was an advertising jingle.

Hey boss! The Nigros are here to look at our books!

White’s daughters are close to graduation and are being heavily recruited to take their place in the firm, since Mrs. White already works as her husband’s assistant…

The Nigros are after ALL the White women.

Well, realistically, we need *someplace *to keep the riff-raff and the rest of the world lost the coin toss.

Mwahahaha… Lost? That’s what we told you Mr. Raff! rubbing hands together heheheheh

I have to say, the Nigro in the photo sure is doing a good job “passing.”

I love you guys.

I dunno–all Nigros look the same to me.

Well some folks are taking issue with it. I couldn’t find the Facebook page but I didn’t try to hard.

Man, times like these I reeeeeeaaalllllllyyyyy miss Richard Pryor, he would have been all over this bit, like, well, kinda like Sampiro, 'cept with more badass Russian accents and eyerolls.