So the Sleestaks were not a Hallucination!

The matter of the Sleestaks has been troubling me for a long, long time.

When I met my dear husband, he had a pair of Revo shades that were kind of big and shiny and green. I told him that he looked like a Sleestak. He had no clue what I was talking about.

Since then, I have asked just about everybody that I know if they remember the Sleestaks. Nobody does.

I knew that I did not imagine the Sleestaks. I knew that they were real–or at least had really been on TV. But I seemed to be the only one who knew about them.

I began to wonder if the Sleestaks were some sort of Robitussin-induced hallucination from my childhood.

Finally, tonight, I decided I would put the question to the Teeming Millions.

So, I sat down at my computer and prepared to start a truly mundane and pointless thread asking whether anybody else knew about the Sleestaks.

On a whim, at the last moment, I decided to do a search to see if Sleestaks had ever been mentioned before. I doubted the search would turn anything up. First of all, I was half-convinced that the Sleestaks were all in my head. Second, I didn’t know how to spell “Sleestak.” So I gave it my best guess, and lo and behold! There were not one, but TWO threads that mentioned the Sleestaks! (Look here and here)

I was relieved, yes, but disappointed, too. I was so happy to kind out that I was not nuts. But, I had been all excited to start an all-Sleestak thread. So, I decided to start one anyway.

Let’s talk about Sleestaks.

I thought that they were really freakin’ scary! How 'bout you?

Marshall,Will and Holly,on a routine expedition…sorry,got carried away.

Yeah…I remember the Sleestaks! They scared the hell outta my sister! I kinda thought they were funny,all slow and dopey.
Trivia question: What were the names of all three monkey men?((pakuni (sp?) ))

Rich “G7SUBS”

“…met the greatest earthquake ever told [stupid lyric]high on the rapids it struck their tiny raft…”
Yeah, I seem to recall the T Rex getting stabbed in the mouth with pointy sticks regularly, too. And wasn’t there an obligatory cute baby pet dino?

All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people.

Oh I remember the show. It was my favorite. I never found the Sleestaks to be that scary though. They didn’t move very fast so I knew Will and Holly could outrun them.

BTW, there are several Land of the Lost websites on the internet. I just spent about 10 minutes listening to the theme song and reading about a show I hadn’t thought about in years.

“Someone’s boring me. I think it’s me.”

Cha-Ka (Phillip Paley), Ta (Joe Giamalva, Season 1; Scutter McKay, Season 2), and Sa (Sharon Baird).

Of course, with Altavista this question is not even hard. You didn’t think I actually knew their names?

“How come Jesus gets Industrial Disease?”

>>>>>>>>>Of course, with Altavista this question is not even hard. You didn’t think I actually knew their names?<<<<<<<<
Damn search engines! Cheater!

Rich “G7SUBS”

I remember that show. In fact, for a “blast from the past” gift, I bought my wife two tapes from the show. Watching them really brought back old memories.

Zev Steinhardt

They remade it about five years ago. I didn’t see much of it (to early on a weekend for me) but it looked kind of okay. Had a good sense of humour running through it.

The Legend Of PigeonMan

  • Shadow of the Pigeon -
    Weirdo of the Night

Useless trivia: the tall Sleestaks were frequently played by Los Angeles area college basketball players, among them Kurt Rambis who went on to star with the Lakers.

“My hovercraft is full of eels.”

Oh sure, bring that up. Now we’ll have another five hundred post thread arguing over “who was the better Ta: Joe Giamalva or Scutter McKay?”

Ah yes, Land of the Lost. The first show to warp my mind with theoretical physics! The three losties found a way to escape, but the old wise Sleestak told them their places had to be taken by three other people. So they looked into the past and replaced themselves with themselves from the moment they entered the LoL. I was like six at the time and the concept pretty well weirded me out.

TVLand was showing repeats at like 3 in the morning for a while, along with the (great) animated Star Trek and the Brady Kids, and I think Sigmund the Sea Monster. Alas, they seem to have abandoned their late-night kidfest. So sad.

Oh, Man!

They scared the hell out of me too when I was kid! Just seeing the word “Sleestak” in your post made me hear that raspy hissing sound they made.


Talk about a show that just left everything hanging, I never figured out what was going on. I mean the ancient advanced people that lived there, Who where they? How did all the crystal things work? Or maybe I just didn’t what enough of the show.

Speaking of old corny shows, I wonder if anyone is showing and old “Greatest American Hero” re-runs? And how did they ever wrap that series up?

I, too, have been looking for the Greatest American Hero to show up in re-runs, but so far I haven’t been able to find it.

As far as the sleestaks, they were just too cumbersome to seem scarey to me. The dinosaurs, on the other hand, really had me going

The Sleestaks in the second series were a lot more evil-looking that the original.

Remember when they painted up a pig and it was supposed to be some wild prehistoric-type animal? Ta and Sa (OK, they were’nt Sleestaks) were about to go crazy over it.

Hmmm… Do we have a gender division here? It seems that the females find the Sleestaks scary, and the males do not. (This assumes that I guessed right on the genders of the posters.) Thoughts?

And did anybody notice just how cheesey the special effects in the opening sequence were. The “river” that they are on is obviously just a little rivulet of water, and they are blue-screened onto it. And when the “boulder” slams down behind them, locking them into the Land of the Lost, it is obviously just a little rock that someone put down. It had to have been really bad, because I noticed this when I was six.

By the way, you guys are making me feel a whole lot better. Not only am I not the only one who knows about the Sleestaks, but I am not the only one who was scared by them. :slight_smile:

Used to be one of my very favorite shows as a wee lad. All of our neighborhood role-playing games were LoL related.

It’s definitely one of those shows that loses some luster as you move on into adulthood. Saw a rerun not long ago and thought, “Ugh, this sucks!”

Give me immortality, or give me death!

I’m a guy, and when I was but a wee nipper, the Sleestaks scared the shit out of me. I always had to leave the main after-school daycare room and go outside whenever Marshall, Will, and Holly went into the Lost City, sneaking past Alice. See, I really loved the show. I just hated the Sleestaks. Except for Enik. Who’s Enik, you ask? He’s “the brown Sleestak who talks.” That’s straight out of memory… Man, flashback city…

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Ah, how well I remember the Sleestaks, and their strange hissing noises just before they pounced…

Actually, the Sleestaks never bothered me, not even Enik (I always spelled it Enoch, BTW, but whatever floats yer boat). What did bother me was a creature that turned up in one episode featuring, as I recall, some kind of flying-saucer man (who appeared as a humanoid shape made of lights). He released some creature to chase after Our Heroes that was something like a robot ostrich with headlight-eyes and a long bill; it shrieked and clanked as it chased them, and it freaked me out as a 6-year-old. Anyone find pictures of this thing on those LOTL sites?

Last time I checked, I still used the little girl’s room. :slight_smile: Of course not being afraid of the Sleestaks could be rationalized by this…I was the fourth child. My older siblings beat the crap out of me so a couple of big green tv characters wouldn’t scare me none.

“Someone’s boring me. I think it’s me.”