The matter of the Sleestaks has been troubling me for a long, long time.
When I met my dear husband, he had a pair of Revo shades that were kind of big and shiny and green. I told him that he looked like a Sleestak. He had no clue what I was talking about.
Since then, I have asked just about everybody that I know if they remember the Sleestaks. Nobody does.
I knew that I did not imagine the Sleestaks. I knew that they were real–or at least had really been on TV. But I seemed to be the only one who knew about them.
I began to wonder if the Sleestaks were some sort of Robitussin-induced hallucination from my childhood.
Finally, tonight, I decided I would put the question to the Teeming Millions.
So, I sat down at my computer and prepared to start a truly mundane and pointless thread asking whether anybody else knew about the Sleestaks.
On a whim, at the last moment, I decided to do a search to see if Sleestaks had ever been mentioned before. I doubted the search would turn anything up. First of all, I was half-convinced that the Sleestaks were all in my head. Second, I didn’t know how to spell “Sleestak.” So I gave it my best guess, and lo and behold! There were not one, but TWO threads that mentioned the Sleestaks! (Look here and here)
I was relieved, yes, but disappointed, too. I was so happy to kind out that I was not nuts. But, I had been all excited to start an all-Sleestak thread. So, I decided to start one anyway.
Let’s talk about Sleestaks.
I thought that they were really freakin’ scary! How 'bout you?