So, today, Mrs. Small took one of those little disposable tests that let you know about pregnancy. Looks like I’m going to be a dad.
It’s wierd. My whole world changed today just be seeing that little screen on the little white plastic thing. We weren’t trying, but understood that if it happened, it did. After all, we’re pretty set in our ways, and we’ve lived together for several years - even though our wedding is actually planned for next fall (looks like we might be moving it up, or back, whichever is more convenient).
It’s interesting. It is one of those moments where you don’t know if you should laugh or cry, so you kind of do both. So far, we haven’t told any family, mostly because we are waiting until after everyone’s family Christmas (we have 4 to go to and would hate for it to start an argument with those lovable relatives), but I had to share this news, so I’m telling the Dope.
Congrats! Life as you know it will change drastically, and you’ll have a ball. You have a future of recitals/games/school plays/class trips/whoknowswhatall ahead. It’ll be exciting.
My baby is now 21 and engaged. I’m almost as excited about future grandparenthood as I was when I found out I was pregnant. Kids are great!! YAY!
Congratulations!! Seeing that line in the test window is a bit surreal, isn’t it?
(My son was due and born on August 19th of this year, and we got that positive pregnancy test just around this time last year…adds a whole new dimension to the Christmas season:)).
You’re in for a hell of a ride, though - enjoy every second of it.
We had one of those tests that literally says “pregnant” or “not pregnant”. I kept looking at it and thinking that maybe the part of the screen around “not” was messing up, but as soon as I turned it to look and was sure, it was like everything was already different. It is definitely one of the most interesting feelings…odd, but good.
The way I found out was that I woke up and noticed something taped to the tv. Upon further inspection, I saw it was one of those pregnancy tests and that it was positive. I was overjoyed!
Let me add my congratulations DAD. And, just wait until you hear, “Wuv you, Daddy!” for the first time…aw, shucks, it gets me misty just thinking about it.
Rysdad - I guess there could be worse ways to find out. I was lucky and guessed about 3 days ago. Today she took the test and obviously you know what happened. I don’t blame you for misting up - I’ve already done it several times today, but of course I would never admit it under normal circumstances…heh
Captain Carrot - It’s our lucky day, right? You find out about college, I find out about a baby…let’s hit Vegas while we are still on this streak…
Be prepared for much joy, some grief and a mysterious time compression that causes time as a parent to fly by much quicker than the time before you were a parent.
Especially the time formerly known as “time to sleep.”
But don’t worry. You can sleep again next decade.
One other thing…
I’ve mentioned this to other new parents on the board, but it’s something I’ve found very special to me, and you might want to try it.
Find a place, somewhere where you can go each year on or near your young’un’s birthday, and take a picture. Someplace where there is something that can be used for scale…a special tree, a statue, a bench in the park…that you can use to compare the size of the kiddo vs. the size of the thing. Take the rugrat there each year and take a picture.
Me, I’ve taken my son down to where the Minnehaha Creek meets the Mississippi River. There’s a big rock there, and I have a picture of him every year as he’s grown. I used to have to lift him up and set him on the rock. Now he towers over it.
You will be amazed at how fast they grow up. You won’t really believe that until it happens. Just wait. You’ll see.
Having a particular part of the photo album for the “picture by the <special thing>” is a really neat.
Congrats! It is the most bestest stuff ever! When the child reaches up and takes your hand, sleeps up against you, shows a joy we can only vaguely remember and says “wuv you” you will feel more deeply than you are able to imagine at this time and soon it will be difficult to think of a time before you were all together.
It also will go so fast. Try to see with new eyes each day. Nothing will ever be the same.
Be well.