So There's Probably A Warrant For My Arrest Out There Now

One morning on my way to work last month, I got a speeding ticket. Not really a big deal, since I hadn’t had one in ages, I figured that I’d simply go to court, plead guilty and then get sent to traffic school for a couple of nights and that’d be it. I left the ticket in the car, and didn’t worry about it until now, since I knew the court date wasn’t until this month. Today, I got home from work, and dug it out of the car, because I could have sworn that the court date on the ticket was for the 8th. Nope. It was yesterday.

I’ve done this before. I just went to Clerks office and told them I missed court and just paid the fine right there. The downside is that you don’t get a chance at supervision (probation period), or a chance at drivers school. So it may show up on your record, but mine hasn’t after two years. :cool:

Your safest bet is to go to the Clerks office and ask them what your options are, and ask if you have any outstanding warrants.

Well, man, I opened this thread thinking that per your Pit thread you had snapped and boofed at work, so this is great news compared to that, but I know the pain of speeding tickets and moving violations, so I feel yer pain.

Maybe this will cheer you up. I got two moving violations on my bicycle here in Oaktown CA and had to do public service and even got points on my license. Doh!

What PA said. I’ve missed court dates for traffic tickets before. If you go down to the courthouse and tell the clerk, they will handle it. It happens all the time.

Take care of it now, unless you plan on doing in Pete and Braaaaad, combining offenses and then posting from lockup in TN. :smiley:

Wow, you’ve really had a crappy week.

When I got my speeding ticket about 6 years ago, I sent it in to contest it. After about 3 months, I still hadn’t been notified of a court date. But, a policeman friend of mine said the clerks office was really backed up and not to worry about it.
I then got notice that there was a warrant out for me. It was kind of disturbing, considering that I don’t make a habit of breaking the law (the speeding ticket was a bunch of crap, and I had 3 policemen confirm that fact - which is why I wanted to contest it).
I went to the clerks office. Turns out that they had mailed me notice of my court date but they typed the wrong zip code on the envelope and it was returned to them. Despite the fact that they had my correct address on file, they never bothered to resend it. They just put the envelope in a file cabinet. I guess they expected me to use telepathy to learn about the court date.

All was fine. I got a new date and the jerk who gave me the bogus ticket didn’t even bother to show up.

I also got another bench warrent out on me when the city lost 2 checks for my excise tax. Then, they cashed both checks but never cleared out the warrent. A simple visit to the clearks office cleared up both problems. I’d say just go to the courthouse, and talk to the clerks. It should all work out in the end.
The nice thing is that the clerks office is filled with regular humans, and just like us, they make mistakes. If you go and admit your mistake, I doubt they’ll have you arrested.

I want see you get arrested Tucker, then tasered… and tasered again for giving them back sass! Cause that would make for a highly entertaining story!