So, they're making a sequel to Frozen

Only the vaguest of details so far. No plot. No title. I reckon they should call it:

Frozen 2: The Chosen Few.

they announced that they were starting plans for frozen 2 about a week or so after the first one made millions …

[tug speedman]…who left the fridge open?[/ts]

“Let it go!”


Because in the end they twisted the plot of The Snow Queen in such a different direction, they actually still have the fairy tale available to crib from. I wonder if that is their plan.

Are there any good Disney animated sequels? Aside from the Toy Story franchise? Haven’t most of them been embarrassing straight-to-video garbage put out by the Mouse House interns?

As a father of a six-year-old girl, I’ve seen this movie more than I ever thought I would see *any *movie, and, while not perfect, it’s pretty good. I don’t hate it. I’ll admit I know the words to all of the songs and have belted them out on more than one occasion to the extreme amusement/bemusement/horror of both of my kids.

I’m not really looking forward to this. I’d rather see a movie done within the universe of “Frozen,” but not a straight-up sequel per se. Like a movie about Hans’ family (all them brothers!). Or the Trolls. Or two completely new characters from the Kingdom of Arendelle. Just keep Anna and Elsa out of it. Otherwise it just feels like a Cars 2 situation.

The TV series* have always been pretty good. Lion King 1½ (an ‘interquel’, focusing on Timon and Pumbaa) is generally considered good. The Return of Jafar was generally well-received (albeit subject to significant critical dissonance), too. Finding Dory (Disney/Pixar, rather than just Disney) is well liked both by critics and audiences.

I…am pretty sure I haven’t seen any of the DTV (not even the two I mentioned), so I can’t comment, on my personal opinion of those.

  • Some of which were actually prequels. Aladdin was a sequel. I think Timon and Pumbaa was as well. Tangled: the Series is. But Hercules, The Little Mermaid, and The Emperor’s New School were prequels. But still, it’s followups to the movies.

The Rescuers Down Under was all right; that was one case where they took the idea of a follow-up seriously enough to make a theatrical feature.

I am agnostic on whether a sequel to Frozen will be allowed room to work, given the present Disney leadership’s attitude toward other properties. Phrases like “cash grab” and “brand development” come to mind, which are not encouraging.

Because Walt Disney had a principle of never making a sequel to his movies, they maintained that rule as long as they could through the 80s and 90s. They managed to find ways around it by having all sequels be straight-to-video, like Rescuers Down Under or Bambi II etc, or TV series, like the Tangled and Emperor’s New Groove series, amongst many others.

So naturally the quality level of these sequels were of variable quality. Many have their charms, or are aimed at a very young audience, but most are cheap and nasty.

I think Frozen 2 will be the first theatrically released sequel in Disney Animation’s history. (Pixar’s sequels don’t count, they’re a separate entity, even if their edges are blurred)

The Rescuers Down Under had a theatrical release, as I just said.

What about Fantasia 2000?

Frozen 2: Frozen At Chosin

Frozen 2: Turning snow into money, this time without the baggy.

I didn’t love Frozen. The story seemed a bit muddled. But in a sense, I feel like that does make it a good candidate for a sequel, since it means that there was still a lot to explore, rather than having everything perfectly packaged and rounded up at the end.

I must have been composing my post before yours went up.

It didn’t get a theatrical release near me, so I figured it was the first straight-to-video sequel from Disney. I wonder how they justified it to themselves.

For completeness’ sake I’ll just mention the short film Frozen Fever which technically takes place after Frozen, but at about seven minutes long it’s not so much a sequel as “bonus content”. Still pretty good, for what it is.

Frozen 2? Are they stuck on a roller coaster this time? :slight_smile:

Frozen 2: We’re Not Letting It Go.

And the sequel was officially announced on On March 12, 2015. So this is a bit stale as a news item.

Myself, I’m just bummed that they’ve shelved Gigantic.

I’ve also read stuff with Kristin Bell talking about recording for it, quite long ago.

The kid in me wonders if Anna will get fire powers. It just seems like it makes sense to the kid part of my brain. I mean, she’s got orange hair and everything!

Frozen 2 Cooked