So...wait...exactly was Seven banned/suspended for?

I haven’t been participating much in the Seven ordeal, but if you’ll let me post as a poster or observer for a moment . . .

Considering the SnarkPit is a board running for the singular purpose* of anonymously mocking members of the SDMB, can you see why it is not a welcome subject on the SDMB? Or, at least, can you concede that others may think so? While it’s not quite as nasty as it used to be back when it was on LiveJournal, it’s still not a pretty sight.

Let me presume that you answer yes to the above.

Some details before the next question. You probably know this all already, but here it is for the benefit of the readership. The Snarkpit used to be rather taboo on here. The informal rule that we wouldn’t draw attention / give them attention, got relaxed over time. For a long period, it was The Board That Must Not Be Named or somesuch. However, even then it was considered bad form to mention it without a suitable context. Linking to it was a direct no-no. Marley stated it explicitly in this thread:

So, while it’s not a codified rule that we expect everyone to have learned by heart, we do kind of expect a member of nine years, with over four thousand posts, to have gotten the gist. In that light, making a thread in IMHO transparently sounding the roll call for the resident snarkpit posters to post in-jokes - well, it’s kind of a dick move. Making two threads after the snarkpit thread was quietly disappeared to disingeuously draw attention to it - well, that took it to “jerk-” or troll-levels as far as my understanding of the situation was.

Now, that’s on top of calling Liberal a “sociopathic douche cunt” (and subsequently making it glaringly obvious that he knew the rules for both language and personal attacks). Making a direct personal attack on poster Opal as well as directly contravening the rules in the Regards, Shodan debacle here.

He got warned for all three of the above. That’s three Warnings in about five months. On top of that, his posting history since his post-“I think I’m done here” return back in November has been characterized by disingenuous complaining and gameplaying as well as his feud with Liberal.

Now, is this enough material to ban someone? Some of us thought so and so the decision was made after a sufficient amount of mods and admins had taken a look at it. After some time and discussion, the decision was reversed and downgraded to a suspension.

I wasn’t really surprised to see him banned, to be honest. I don’t think a lot of posters would have much leash left after three warnings.

*This is, to the extent of my knowledge, true. I read it perhaps once every few months for a laugh or two.