So...wait...exactly was Seven banned/suspended for?

So far, in various threads, I’ve seen over a half dozen very confused-sounding reasons that Seven was banned/suspended.

[li]Two warnings in several months. Except that Reeder got something like 9 last and final warnings and was a pain in the ass for the mods in that he kept making messes in GD and The Pit (and CS, IIRC)[/li][li]No–three, THREE! Warnings in several months (the third one wasn’t known/noticed until AFTER the ban became a suspension.)[/li][li]Posting some of someone’s PM is a violation of copyright (Wombat graciously retracted that one based on the facts. Kudos, Wombat. :slight_smile: )[/li][li]Posting some or all of someone’s PM is against the rules–except everyone seems to agree that it may or may not be bad form, but it’s not against the rules as such. [/li][li]Recreational complaining–except others, including me, have been complaining as well and I’ve been specifically told by two mods that I’m not on thin ice at all. [/li][li]Too much complaining-except that Seven’s complaining was in a small number of threads, not all over the board*[/li][li][del]Talking about the Snarkpit.[/del]oops…that’s legal. [del]Linking to the snarkpit…[/del]um…except he didn’t. [del]Starting a thread about the Snarkpit[/del] Except that the “don’t start threads about the Snarkpit” rule was just now made up and certainly wasn’t in existance at the time of Relevant details here[/li][/ol]

And please note the following facts, because these keep getting obscured:

  1. Seven’s “Last three months of doing nothing but complaining and attacking Liberal” is confined to debating mods in about 5 or 6 threads–not all over the board, and fighting with Liberal in 3 or so threads. There’s an attempt to make it look like he’s doing hundreds of drive-by posts when in fact he was engaging with moderators, debating them and challenging them–without garnering any warnings for any of those challenges/debates/arguments. None.

  2. Starting the “Snackpit” thread. It’s now disappeared, but as I posted in it and was reading it, there were no links to the snarkpit, he didn’t mention it by name (not that it was all that hard to figure out) and there was no actual snarking. It was essentially “Post funny lines from the snarkpit” and was filled with “No U” and “I agree with my distinguished colleague” type stuff. AND it was allowed by the rules as they existed at the time of his posting. Warning him for breaking a rule that Marley didn’t actually decide on until about 30 minutes ago (no starting threads about the snarkpit but it’s groovy to mention them)

  3. Posting the sig: he actually brought it up a couple of days earlier here asking for clarification which apparently never came. Certainly no warning accrued.

*The rule was created to deal with 24KaratGold (cite available upon request) who was an alleged Fathomite (I never saw her there) as well as MaParrot and Mu Mu. All of who were all over the boards doing drive-by bitching in multiple threads. Seven was in at most 6 complaining threads in 3 months and about 2 “fight with Liberal” threads (3 if you want to count the fact that one was closed and reopened)

I’m not sure what you meant to link to there.

You were on such a roll, and then you went and linked to your yahoo mail inbox instead of what you intended to post…

Shit. Here.
And could a mod please delete the e-mail URL please?


All 7 all the time. Stay tuned on channel 7 for updates to the story about 7 but first, a word from our sponsor…

Make 7 up yours.
And we’re back, Jane any breaking news about 7?

Well Dan, I’m here with the News 7 chopper on the scene and nothings changed. Back to you, Dan in the news channel 7 studio.


This is the fourth ATMB thread about Seven, with about 699 posts, and a spin-off thread with 125.

Isn’t that enough already?

I’ll say it again here.

Seven quoted Tuba. That’s apparently a no-no. You can NOT pick on the Tuba.

There’s no other reason that he was banned.

Frank: You can always choose not to open them.

And back to relevant matters, SamClem and/or GFactor were kind enough to fix an error—despite the thread being a criticism of an aspect of moderation of the board. So, big thanks and kudos to them–I figure if I’m being negative about the problems, I should also be positive about the good stuff. So, thanks guys!

Maybe when we start getting real reasons instead of crap ones for it, it’ll die down…

Well, but in fairness, Frank, there are many aspects to his suspension, including why it happened, whom he allegedly harrassed, whether he could quote a PM, and did he take potshots outside the Pit. These are lots of aspects alone. But then, there are wide implications for the whole membership, and people are trying to get their questions answered, largely because they’re just falling away in the big threads without anyone answering them. Or their making a point that they believe mods have missed or are ignoring.

And before you counter that the same effect happens with multiple threads — falling off the front page — keep in mind that there are four hundred stickies on this front page, when there should be only a Rules Thread, and an FAQ.

So I exaggerated, but still.

How many times can you say the same thing in numerous threads in an hour’s time?

True enough. I don’t happen to believe that Seven is some sort of martyr. Comments in previous threads have made it appear that if those of us who do not believe that Seven is some sort of martyr are not posting, that we don’t care about the issue.

I care. You can’t have it both ways. Since you (the general you) want to act as if a failure to post otherwise implies support of Seven, I choose to post.

Fair enough. I accept that those are your feelings.

But perhaps you could take them to the threads where

Since I didn’t say or imply it here (or anywhere else) this is a hijack and I’d appreciate it if you’d take the argument to those threads where that specious claim is being made. Hell, I’ll even support you. Silence does not equal agreement. Thanks.

I see no particular reason why you should have opened a new thread asking, " So…wait…exactly was Seven banned/suspended for?" when there are already multiple threads on the subject. It would have been appropriate for you to post in an already existing thread if you wished clarification.

The reason I opened it is that the goalposts keep shifting. Each time someone points out why Marley’s reasoning doesn’t hold up, he comes up with a new reason that Seven was suspended/banned (his latest being "You can talk about the snarkpit but starting threads earns you a warning). I thought a narrow focus on the actual rule(s) Seven broke warranted it’s own thread.

But that doesn’t really connect with your earlier concern that silence=support for Seven. Why aren’t you addressing that to someone who disagrees with you. I’m on your side on that isssue. If you find a post saying it, hey, I’ll be glad to back you up. But it’s a hijack to post it here.

But he DID already post in an existing thread, and got responses that he considered to be ambiguous.

I concur.

And pressing the issue isn’t likely to yield any more substantial answers.

It’s really time to let it go.

Nonsense. This thread is merely another attempt to obfuscate the issue, despite your disingenuous attempt to act as if you are merely seeking clarification. Your question is perfectly appropriate in one of the existing threads; you’re simply attention whoring by starting a new thread

Seven broke one simple rule: Don’t be a jerk. You and your ilk are trying to codify “Don’t be a jerk,” and it can’t be done.

I suggest that if you don’t care for the way the rule is interpreted here, that you find another message board to hang out on, one which, perhaps, has different rules.