So, what are your sexual fetishes?

When it comes to looks…

I have a HUGE thing for androgyny. I really really appreciate boys that look like girls and girls who look like boys. (And also, I guess, looking at those pictures, really skinny people in eyeliner…)

But anyways, it’s not really a fetish, I’d say–it’s not cross-dressing that turns me on or anything. (Not that there’s anything wrong with cross-dressing. It can be hot.) But if I’m not attracted to the person anyways, it doesn’t matter if they’re wearing a dress or not.

I like watching men or women orgasm. I don’t know if that’s a fetishes or not.

:eek: I have a $10 dye job and a $500 corset. You free this weekend?

I have to agree with elfkin477. Most of these seem to be about preferences rather than fetishes. Make with the fetishes already!

I’ve found that I’m a xenophile. Women who are of a race, ethnicity or even nationality other than mine have a huge head-start in attractiveness to me. White blonds, on the other hand, generally don’t get a second look.

For a strict interpretation, rather than preference:

[edit out]

When I was a little kid I always ate my hoodsie vanilla side first, then the chocolocate. I hate vanilla.

No, I’d say that expressing a preference for Japanese women because they’re “childlike” and “exotic” is pretty damn shallow in itself, given that your “context” is that you want to fuck them, and both calling Japanese women “yellow” and likening your preference to a disease is bloody offensive. However, I’ll admit to being touchy on this subject.

:shrug: I’m sure that to you, it is. Here, it’s the commonly used term (among Japanese) for gaijin that are into asians.

OK, about the “childlike features” thing.

Nobody here would deny that Auto is a man of…well…deviant sexuality. He himself admits it. But, I don’t think we should start casting aspersions of pedophilia on him just yet for this comment.

Why am I defending it? Well, I think what he was trying to say, albeit clumsily, was that he finds Japanese women to be cute.

And if he had said, “I like Japanese women because I think they’re cute,” there wouldn’t be a raised eyebrow.

However…what does “cute” mean exactly? According to Wikipedia - and according to common sense, if you just spend a little time thinking about it - “cute” means “childlike.” It means large eyes, a small nose, and soft facial features - all of which amount to a harkening back to childhood and ultimately to infancy.

Let’s face it, “cute” does mean a different thing than “hot.” And someone who prefers women who look “cute” - like Katie Holmes, for instance - is someone who, basically, prefers women with childlike features.

The smooth curve of a womans back and those 2 little dimples just above her ass cheeks.

I feel quite faint now

Scots accent. The thought of a Scotsman talking to me in bed is knee weakening, to put it mildly. I haven’t ever even done a Scotsman, they’ve probably have a reputation of being lousy in the sack, but I might be willing to give it a try. Oh, Irish, Welsh, even British and Aussie have a certain appeal, but not quite the same.

Actually ran into a Scot last week professionally, he was surprised I could accurately identify his accent (Buddy, you have no idea…) I was trying to keep him talking the whole time. Not particularly my type, and he was wearing socks and sandals, but if I closed my eyes…

As for kinks? Nah, not so much, pure vanilla. Just lots and lots of vanilla.

I’ve got the dimples chowder, but I don’t think you’ve got the accent.

I’m into SDMB.

Heh, and I thought that was just me! Maybe a Brit thing?!

Pervert. :smiley:

Redheads and brunettes. It’s not that I’m unphased by blondes but give me a woman with dark or red hair and my heart will blast right through my chest, cartoon style. I also really dig androgyny. Something about the whole gender bending thing really fascinates me. Aaaand, that’s all I’m going to reveal.

Thank you Argent Towers for expressing my thoughts in a much clearer and less politically incorrect way. Again Scissor Jack, my apologies.

Chain wallets. I don’t care if they’re out of style, dammit! Men who wear them usually project an aura of coolness that I find to be a huge turn-on.

Flaws, or perceived flaws in both men and women. Awesomely bad hair- like crazy curls that needed cutting a couple months back or cowlicks. Gaps between front teeth. Scars, stark freckles, a crooked smile. Big noses, single dimples, and birthmarks. I’ve never been attracted to anyone who didn’t have an easy grin. Serious faces don’t show up on my radar; neither do perfect ones.

(SaharaTea- love your username. I love The Police.)

On the topic of fetishes or likings for people of other ethnicities/skin colours/etc. - I read once an interesting article on the topic. Some earnest young gay fellow wrote to the authour and asked if it was “shallow and/or racist” to have a liking for big black men. The author wrote back saying - well, it may be “shallow” and a bit “racist”, but really, who cares?

Firstly, pretty well everyone is initially attracted to other people for “shallow” reasons - doesn’t mean your eventual relationships are doomed to shallowness. As for “racism”, if the result of your “racism” is to want big black guys to have sex with you - I’m sure you can find some who won’t be too offended. :smiley: As far as the results of “racism” goes, it is of a pretty inoffensive sort - wanting to have sex with 'em is a hellava lot better outcome than wanting to lynch 'em.

I think this sort of thing only becomes a problem if it leads one to fetishize the desired personal type to such an extent that one cannot see them as persons with their own individuality. If “I like Japanese women” (or whatever) is nothing more than a preference, it is no more significant than “I like blondes” or whatever.

Geeks. Oh, my Lordy, I loves me some dorky men.

I am weird.

So that’s the secret to a haughty stroll – careful placement of a ladle.

No way! Thai girls rule.