So, what is there to do in Wisconsin?

I agree with BonoVox, if you like REAL beer, try “New Glarus” or “Capital” brands.

All the people that complain about Wisconsin don’t know much about the state.

Yea, OK, its no cultural Mecca, BUT, it does have a little bit of everything, the people are very down to earth and friendly.
We really tend to have more “outdoorsy” activities, so if you like hiking, biking, fishing hunting, or just getting away from the crowd, these are easy to accomplish.

Since I live in Green Bay, Taters, I can’t comment on the Ft. McCoy area. I do know the La Crosse area is very pretty. Madison is where I’d head to if you want more people interactive activity.

The Cheese Curds and cows thing, :rolleyes:. We just tell the rest of the country that to keep people away so our beautiful state stays uncrowded.

:smiley: Kinda like us Washingtonians telling everybody it RAINS everyday here!

How about Point? :slight_smile:

Let me put my vote in for Wisconsin brats too. You know, you buy them in the store down here, it just isn’t the same. There’s something about a REAL Wisconsin brat consumed IN Wisconsin. It seems to me they have more spices in them “up there”. I always liked the “stadium mustard” at the Brewer’s stadium too. A Sheboygan brat with light brown mustard … mmm mmm mmm … I’m dying here, I can’t get a Sheboygan brat in Florida, damn!!!

Point is good, and make sure its a Johnsville brat.

Once you go past the Dells, it’s really a dead zone. Kinda creepy driving from Madison to Eau Claire in the winter time at night. I prefer just to hang out in Madison.

The trip you described takes place completely in Minnesota. Pretty country, yes, but you might want to apologize to our neighbors for confusing the two :wink:

Yeah appologize. I am deeply hurt.

(Not that there’s anything wrong with Minnesota!)


Right. Like here.

If you get (non-deep-fried) curds, be sure to pick them up at the cheese factory, where they are fresh, never more than a day old. The ones in the grocery store are not worth the whey.

And while Johnsonville brats are great, wherever you go in Wisconsin, local butcher shops make homemade ones, even better. Where I live, the large grocery stores often open a small outdoor hut where they serve hot brats & a canned Coke for $1.50 – can’t beat the price. Even Mickey-D’s serves brats sometimes in the summer!

We Serve Brats

SEE???!!! I told you it was a long time ago! I AM embarrassed. Where is that smack face smilie? You’re right of course. However, I was in Wisconsin too, for just a short while. I remember this specifically because I remember the signs on the highway (no I don’t remember which highway) advertising Wisconsin Dells and telling us how many miles we had to go (not many). I don’t remember WHERE we were going in Wisconsin, so it must not have been a memorable experience.

However, my apologies to all that I offended, I didn’t mean to. :smiley:

Oh! I forgot to add something about brats.

My mother is German (Bavarian) and I lived in Germany for a few short years as a wee one. Plus we have a few German delis around here. Anyhoo…

While Johnsonville brats are good, the true German brats are the best!