You might be right. For some reason I imagine it used by overweight middle-aged men who live with their mothers. A bit like Comic Book Store Guy in the Simpsons.
OK, so can I change this from a pitting of an rather expressive and innocuous new slang word and change it to a pitting of someone who would use an acronym from some goddam esoteric comic book, and expect anyone to know what the fuck you’re talking about? If your fingers are so weak and broken you can’t type out “Johnny the Homicidal Maniac,” you need to be in bed with a heating pad, not further injuring your digits on a message board.
Oh, and Squeeee! Squeeee! Squeeee! Squeeee! Squeeee!!!
On investigation I have discovered it is commonly rendered as ‘Squee!’ rather than
‘Squee …’ as I had imagined. I too plunge deeper into despair and error.
Well, there were two posts right after mine. And I’d always assumed that Doper Squee got his name from JTHM. No too esoteric!
Sure. Live it up. I can take the heat.
Thank you! Well, some of you.
Now that I know some of the background. . . I think my prejudice has actually deepened. Truly a moronic bit of pop-culture slang.
The king of squee
Ahem. As a slightly out-of-shape 40-year-old who lives across the building from mama, I marginally resent that comment.
Besides, I only squee about animals. And babies.
I guess the questions becomes is it possible to be twee and express squee at the same time?
He’s just being squeamish.
And I like this “squee” word, although I never have a chance to use it. I really ought to buy a cute kitty or hamster or something.
The only time I’ve actually used it out loud (instead of just in a post) was when an astronaut called me at work.
I managed to get through the conversation, but once we hung up I got all fangirly and ran around the room squeeing.
I can’t help it. It was an astronaut. (It made that shuttle mission tense for me, though.)
Jings*, show off, why don’t you. I mean, at least I could quickly arrange to acquire a cute furry quadruped, but I think making friends with an astronaut might be a bit trickier. Not too many of those in my neck of the woods.
- Yes, I admit I did say that one just to see how it would be received.
No, this is squee.
(For me, anyways. Or it would be if I didn’t already have it.)
Oh do get real. You know it’s “squeal”. Don’t even pretend you don’t. It’s been re-rendered because the trailing “l” is bad onomatopoeia in the original.
Anyone prepared to say they don’t know what “squeal” means?
Eve’s right. You folks sound like my Dad, who finds every activity engaged in since 1952, if it departs from what and how things were done before then, to be silly and annoying.
What’s next? Another rant about “And then she goes…” – ?
Ice Wolf has just been catapulted into sainthood. Demand combat pay!
See? I think it’s highly squee-worthy.
And he sent me an autographed picture, so I’ll admit I still get really wound up and flap my arms around if anyone asks me about it!
Yeah, I am that dorky. squee