Squicking and queefing

After reading the thread welcoming Wacky Ninja to SDMB, I was somewhat mystified as to the nature of practices attributed to Coldfire. While I am aware what felching is (thanks to previous threads), I have never heard of squicking and queefing. A definition would be appreciated, please.

No they won’t be. Trust me.

Matt, I reckon I’m a big boy now. I am somewhat hardened to the uglier side of life, thanks to my job, and I guarantee that I won’t be totally shocked when my curiosity is satisfied.

So, once again, what do these words mean?

I’ve read in another thread that squicking is drilling a hole in somebodies head and placeing your old chap in between the two hemispheres and well you can work out the rest . I don’t know about the other one .

OK, fine.

A queaf is a vaginal fart.

Squicking is trepanning someone’s skull and fucking them between the parietal lobes of their brain, derived from the noise that it (supposedly) makes.

Appropriately enough, “that squicks me” means “that kind of disgusts me or turns me off”.

Just insert ANY word, any language, in your browswer search engine, youll have an answer. No need to ask us.

Every day I thank God for people like Matt who will come out and just say it. :slight_smile: I debated for a few minutes on whether or not I would answer these questions. Now I see I don’t have to.

If you don’t mind having to go through page after page of porn.

Actually, now I think about it, I guess I DON’T mind…

I have had good luck getting porn free (unless i was searching for porn) at http://www.google.com

Of course the downside of the free porn is running into sites such as www.grandmaqueefs.com … you open the page expecting a medical definition of the term “queef” and before your eyes you see your sweet, cookie making, bingo playing grandmother sprawed out on the kitchen counter wearing nothing but grandpa’s dentures and excreting vaginal farts to the tune of “This Old Man”! Oh the horrible horrible memories…

Of course the downside of the free porn is running into sites such as www.grandmaqueefs.com … you open the page expecting a medical definition of the term “queef” and before your eyes you see your sweet, cookie making, bingo playing grandmother sprawed out on the kitchen counter wearing nothing but grandpa’s dentures excreting vaginal farts to the tune of “This Old Man”! Oh the horrible horrible memories…

catzilla, after grandma squicked grandpa with a big strap-on, he had no more need for the dentures. At least someone is getting use from them.

Damn it Catzilla. Anybody else ever laugh while trying to keep from vomiting? Not good. Not good at all.

Granted I may just be trying to up my post count(Damn that post counter anyway!) but that just cracked me up catzilla!!!

Matt, I swear to god, that was the first time I’ve smiled today!

If I ever change my mind about my persuasions, I’ll look you up :smiley:

Try this. It’s when I found out about felching, squicking, etc. Yum.


worldsexualrecords.com had this most wonderful list of latin sexual terms, but they are not on the net no more. I did save this list. It seems unlike others, in that someone with some real intelligence wrote it. HEre are some words:

ACAROPHILIA: Affinity for itching
ACHLUOPHILIA: Love of darkness
ACOMOCLITIC: Preference for hairless genitals
ACOUSTICOPHILIA: Arousal from sounds
ACROPHILIA: Arousal from heights or high altitudes
ACROTOMOPHILIA: Arousal from amputees
ACTIRASTY: To become aroused from exposure to sun’s rays
ACYESIS: Female sterility
ADAMITISM: Going naked for God
ADOLESCENTILISM: Cross-dressing or playing the role of an adolescent
AELUROPHILIA: Deriving gratification from cats
AGALMATOPHILIA: Attractions to statues or mannequins
AGAMIC: Asexual; parthenogenic
AGENOBIOSIS: Married couple who consent to live together without sex

Thank you all. Please be informed that my sex life is indeed very conservative compared to what I have read here. It makes me wonder just how all you guys found out about this stuff…

Same here, I mean I have only queefed while squicking a leg of lamb twice. After that, I realized that I was just too conservitive for those types of activities.

You guys need to check out this thread, if you haven’t already:


Catzilla, you sick slut, you should love it. Let’s make a deal; if either of us gets a colostomy, the other gets to boink the hole. I’ll pick out your strap-on for you.