It's not queefing, felching, or squicking, but it's just as gross!

OK, maybe not as gross as squicking, but what is? Don’t answer that.

Anyone know if there’s a term for this phenomenon (reported to me by the sister of a med student): people with colostomies allow men to uh, you know, in the colostomy opening. Some people make a living this way, and some come into the emergency room with VD in their side from this practice.

Please, please, don’t suggest I search for this on the web. I’m not prepared to sift through the material I would pull up!

If this is true, the world is even weirder than I thought. What the F***???

That is just plain sick! The sister of a med student told you this? It sure has an air of Urban Legend around it!

Pardon me while I vomit all over my keyboard.

Just waiting for the inevitable Richard Gere sighting.

I heard that is how George Burns died.

SqrlCub the pervayor of misinformation :wink:

I wouldn’t be surprised if you could find something about this on

If not now, than soon.

And horribly misspelled words. Purveyor

Whoops. I should have used spell check on that one. However, I could purvey mispellings just as well since mispellings are also misinformation.


PS. One other thing. Pervayor is what happons when a pervert tries to spread his ideas around. Some may think that is appropriate.

HUGS Again!

I’m not prepared to do a search on this either <shudder>. But if someone does discover the word for this, please let me know. Urban Legend or not, a word like that needs to be added to one’s vocabulary

I don’t know if it’s an urban legend or not, so I’m not help there. I did know a guy once who used to want to start up a magazine called “Colostomy Bag Sex”. I’m pretty sure he was kidding. But, honestly, after squicking, would it really surprise you THAT much if some people did this. VD I doubt, but the practice, I could believe. Yuck.

I think we can term this practice as “aerynsunning” since that is who brought it up. (insert VERY EVIL GRIN here)


Addendum to last post. I’m not familiar enough with VDs to know if they can affect all parts of your body. That’s why I’m saying I doubt it. I could be way wrong.

Also, on a side note. We need a new smiley to denote vomiting. If we keep this crap up, it’ll come in real useful.

Queefing is a new one on me. Anyone want to bring me into the Age of Enlightenment on that one?

Vaginal Farts.


Hey, syphilis affects the brain real good, and AIDS kills you. STDs aren’t restricted to the genitals. Also better watch septic infection here.

Yeah, didn’t the poison people have a Mr. Yuk symbol for kids? We need one.

No, a pervayor is a perverted purveyor. If that’s not what Sqrl meant he should have :smiley:

Was it called Bag Lady? < running like hell >

I have GOT to stop clicking on these threads before lunch.

Apparently there is a newsgroup:


I would try, purely in the interest of research, to find a term in said newsgroup, but I am at work, and would rather not have the admin team coming down to make fun of me.