
Sorry to be stupid, but…

Does felching mean what I think it means?

I did a search but there were 157 threads that mention felching and I couldn’t read them all. But what I have gathered is that felching is like the “qeeen mother” of all cuss words. Much worse than the regular “F—” word.
I also notice that Wally uses it a lot.

So what’s the etiquitte here? Do I avoid that word unless I’m flaming? Or really, really pissed? (like that will ever happen, but…)

And please don’t call me a felcher because I asked.

Trust me… you don’t want to know.

It does not mean the same as the other F-word… it’s worse… much worse.

If I had a magic pill that could erase one piece of information from my brain, it would be this one.

Drop it. Trust me.

(Ooooh… isn’t that mysterious? :wink: )

The Straight Dope may have been fighting ignorance since 1973, but there are some things you are better off not knowing about. This is one of them.
I know and I still haven’t recovered

I’ll tell ya cos i call my mate a felcher all the time.

i hope no one is offended by this, but its life, it happens, accept it.

As far as i know, here in the uk it describes the act of a homosexual gentleman, sucking his very recently ejaculated salty milk out of his gay lover back end.

Nice huh.

any other definitions out there?

am i gonna get in trouble now for writing really rude words like ejaculated on this ever so wholesome site?

Nah, piig. You’ll be fine. If you’d have said “it’s a queer sucking his cum out of his fag lovers ass”, THAT would have been different :wink:


classic mate, absolute classic.


And in the Least Surprising Thing I’ve Seen Today category, Coldy responds to a felching thread.

sdimbert, Odieman you were right! I didn’t want to know. Why didn’t I just let it lie?

All I can say is Eeeewww. Eeewww. Ewww. Eww Eww Eww Eww Eww EwwEwwEww! bleccch! yecch!

Gee, Piig, THANKS for telling me. And Coldfire, thanks for making it crystal clear. Really.

::: retching :::

This concept is really way beyond anything I ever imagined. I mean, I’m not prude–I’ve been around the block (albeit a very short and straight HBO kind of block) but I just can’t believe people DO this. Ick.

sdimbert, where can I get one of those pills?
Now that I know this, there’s a stain on my soul! I have to go to confession. A sweet little Catholic girl like me shouldn’t have that bit of lovely info rolling around her sweet little brain, mixing in with the other swear words like “crumb” and “shoot”. :wink:

Anyway, thanks, gang, for enlightening me. I think.
I’ll hesitate to ask next time I want to know something.

For more definitions, check out this site.

(Courtesy of good ol’ Mully from this thread).

I hasten to say that I have this purely on heresay but I understood felching was something to do with inserting small (well, presumably small) rodents into the rectum for the purposes of sexual gratification (of the owner of the rectum that is - certainly not the rodent I imagine).

Or is that practise called something else?

I am furthermore going to assume that anything labeled Not For Amy is also something Not For Sunshine.

Why did I read that?! When will I learn?!


We here call that “wonking the Wally.” Though conoisseurs prefer hamsters.

If you’re interested in actually viewing examples of this and other revolting acts, I heartily recommend http://www.stileproject.com. I still reflexively gag when I think about “Japscat,” six months after I first saw the dang thing.

Not ENTIRELY off the thread, but…I always thought it was hilarious that Archie Bunker would constantly refer to the Reverend Fletcher as “the Reverend Felcher” on “All In the Family”. What a hoot.

Felching isn’t a joke, but one sincerely hopes squicking IS …

Feltching? Sure. A man has anal sex with a woman or a guy. After coming, he proceeds to lick or suck out the come, old shit, lubricant, blood, or whatever else there is. Sometimes they use a straw but usually just straight suck the come & shit & blood out for a tasty treat.

Handy & others who provided this delightful info…I have just one teensy follow up question:
Why felch?
I mean, really…

Sunshine: here is a saying I made up. “Wisdom is when you know enuf to NOT ask the question you KNOW you don’t want to hear the answer to”

By this, SDim is wise, and you are not, but perhaps a bit wiser, NOW, eh?

The definition should just be in the registration agreement in bold letters. If for no reason other than to give people a heads up.

Felching is actually the act of lightly licking the anus. It has nothing to do with sucking or blood or anything else. It is usally done before sex. Many heterosexual couples engage in the practice. Hell, even cats engage in the practice.