Felch...:::Gasp::: Squick... :::Double Gasp:::

Why is it that whenever someone asks what felching or squicking is, most reply with, “You don’t want to know.”?

I was told that I didn’t want to know, and when I did the research to find out what they meant, I wasn’t traumatized for life. Its not like I shudder when I hear the words. Hell, thats all they are… words. So why the over-dramatization?

p.s. Opinions please. (After all this is IMHO, and I really don’t think that this is GQ worthy)

Let me ask you a question. Think of the time that you spent researching that… think of the time wsted, the time that could have been spent on more constructive persuits. Me, I use “you don’t wanna know” like I would use it if someone asked me if George Bush had any birthmarks on his legs. Sure you could know, but do you really want to waste the time.

Wouldn’t you like to know what “fangdanger” meant if someone called you that? Instead of going about your life wondering what it meant, you could have some closure on it. (Jeez, I’m over-dramatizing it myself now)

Think of it in truck driver terms. If you didn’t know what a “bogey in a paper bag” was, you might have to explain to the police officer that pulls you over, why you were traveling 50 miles over the speed limit, while hauling 1200 gallons of gasoline. Isn’t it just nicer to know the lingo?

You don’t want to know.

(sorry, couldn’t resist)

Nope, really don’t care. Don’t need closure, or anything. Now, if someone asks me what time it is, fuck. Just look at the stupid sex thread.

I just found out what a Trucker’s Buddy was and I’m not glad I did.

Okay, I’ll bite.

What do felch, squick, and bogey in a paper bag mean?

Yes, I really want to know.

Guess you weren’t ready for that one, eh, 10K?

Anyone else who doesn’t want to know, just don’t read the following:

Felching: When one sucks semen out of the sexually active orifice of another person.

Squicking: When one “drills” a hole in the middle of another’s head and proceeds to “make love” to the whole. Squicking is the alleged noise that it makes.

Bogey in a paper bag: Unmarked police car.

Aaaaaah. Thanks. You learn something new every day!

I’ve known about these, but under different terms. What you refer to as felching, I’ve heard called shrimping. Squicking, well, I’ve heard that by it’s more self-explanitory term, skull-f*cking (however, I think that is more commonly done with an eye socket than actually drilling a new hole).

Now what about a Trucker’s Buddy?

Actually, I don’t think there’s anything that would traumatize me just by hearing about it.

Lazlo, I also thought that felching was called “shrimping”, but apparently, shrimping is toe-sucking.

So, ummm, what is a trucker’s buddy?

I always though a Trucker’s Buddy was benzedrine. You know, the bennies used as cheap pep pills to keep them hauling all night long. But then, I’m probably wrong.

Forget about squicking, forget about felching, the true source of disgust and nausea is a lil’ practice known as “munging”. ::evil, evil grin::

Aight SPOOFE, I’m game, whats “munging”?

You may find one of Lexicon’s greatest contributions to this board in the Compleat List of Fexual Acts, which was spawned by the Gratuitous Pit Behavior thread.

I bear no responsibility for your mental state after reading.

Can’t believe no one’s come up with this yet, but what about BELGIUM?

Ok, “munging” question has been answered.

Hey anybody wanna’ go grab a burger?