So, whatch'all doin' tonight?

  1. Stay online for a while.

  2. Talk on the phone for a while.

  3. Study for SAT IIs.

  4. Go to bed.

(Tommorrow I have the accursed SAT IIs)

1 : Wait for the end of the world.

2 : Repeat.

Tidy up a bit.

Eat a cheese sandwich (I had a choice between a cheese sandwich and beef tenderloin, and I chose the sandwich - I think perhaps living in Alberta has spoiled me)

Watch some TV.

I think my beau is going to come by later for a visit. :slight_smile:

Woo - hoo! Can you handle the excitement?!?! :smiley:

HerMajestyLorna good luck on your SAT II’s. I feel your pain.

And…update on my plans for the evening…
The friend who came over cause he thought he could get some came over. He didn’t get none, cause like I said, I ain’t giving none. However, he did drink some beer and I made him a ham and cheese sammich, so I ain’t totally bad! :smiley:

Besides…I got an offer later from someone who could have gotten some :wink: but I said no cause I had already promised first friend he could come over.

'scuse me while I polish the halo :rolleyes:

I was going to grade some essays–in fact, I did–but got tired of it and gave it up for the night.
Going to Dope for a while, then see what’s on the tube or put in a tape.
And have a slice of my mom’s amazing lemon creme sponge pie!

My new girlfriend, the most adorable woman on earth, may or may not be comming over later. Until I know, I’ll be browsing the SDMB, drinking tea, and pretending that I’m working on homework.

Sweet! I read this and was wondering what movies they might be playing, so I check and find this beautiful description of “Mothra”:

(They don’t mince words there at, do they?)

I gotta watch. :smiley:

One year from now, when you know what college you’re going to and are a 4th quarter senior, you’ll look back on today and laugh.

Me? I just got back from the newspaper and am too crapped out to do anything worthwhile with my friends.

Same thing I do every night, Pinky…

Well, I don’t try to take over the world.

I’ll just be sitting here, feeling sorry for myself.

Going out dancing with some friends, and quite amazingly trying to AVOID getting hit on. It helps to wave my engagement ring around a bit. Anyway- goth clubbing. Normal Saturday night activity. Yay. Then having a girl friend sleep over so we can complain about men together. :slight_smile:


Hanging out with some friends who are home from college for the weekend.
Eating dinner with mom since I am home from college for the weekend.
Perhaps doing my laundry.
Going bowling with best guy friend and best guy friend’s current girl of interest.
Getting home from bowling and getting crabby since best guy friend is sleeping at current girl of interest’s house and not mine.
Lurking on the boards some more