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Obama didn’t do drugs in grad school. He said it was high school and his first year of college at Occidental before he switched to Columbia, “quit getting high” (his words), and got serious about academics. Where did that author, Malone, get the idea that Obama had a “grad school drug dealer?” There isn’t slightest evidence that Obama did drugs at Harvard, or even at Columbia. Has the idiot who wrote that article even read what Obama said about his own drug use?

Also, what makes idiots like this (and I heard that sleazeball, Hannity ask the same question) even think that just because someone has smoked pot in the past that they had a a regular “drug dealer?” I rarely did, and I smoked pot for years.

The NY Times did research Obama’s past drug use, by the way, not that people like Malone want to be bothered with the actual facts – it interferes with their persecution complexes – but the NYT talked to dozens of people who knew Obama during the relevant periods, and they all said Obama’s drug use was minimal at best. He smoked a little weed once in a while. The Times could not find anyone who could remember ever seeing him do coke, and several expressed skepticism that he’d ever done it all. The Times concluded that Obama may have “exaggerated” the extent of his past drug use. His friends all said he was mostly kind of a square who was more into studying than partying.

My own take on that piece was that Barry Obama was the nerd at the party who everyone talks into doing a bong hit, and who then gets all up in his own head about it and sees it as a far more dramatic and significant event than anybody else does.

I’d be willing to bet that his cocaine use consisted of somebody egging him on to toot a line at some party somewhere.