Timothy McVeigh was our last wake up call and what a shocker he was. While my friends and I were speculating on which Middle Eastern country was responsible for blowing up the Oklahoma Federal Building, it was determined that a home-grown, ex US military, clean cut American was responsible. We became aware for the first time that elements within our oun country, however misguided, could perpetrate an act of terrorism on a never before seen scale.
So what’s to keep the next McVeigh from making a name for himself or his cause in a manner similar to Tuesday’s events? Sure there’s hightened security now but they’re understandably focused on Arab-looking individuals as potential practioners.
My fear is this; as a security response to prevent another WTC and Pentagon event, we’ll put most of our efforts into airport and immigration security and totally ignore the “boat with a nuke in NYC harbor” scenario. In other works, our reaction will be knee-jerk. Will we in a similar manner ignore the domestic element in our zeal to safeguard against fanatical foreign elements?
How belivable of a scenario do you think it would be for a couple of domestic terrorists, some hayseed Idahoans, once things have calmed down here, to hijack a commercial flight and point it in a direction of their choosing?
We didn’t think it would happen before.