The last post by one of the mods on the subject was this from a week ago:
Fair enough. However, it did not escape my notice that Idle Thoughts had six hours previously took it upon himself to change the guiding rules of The Game Room by amending the sticky:
This almost seems to me that Idle Thoughts didn’t actually discuss this with the entire moderation staff. If he did, then why did twix say it was still being discussed?
So, I just want to know what is up. Idle Thoughts is not an impartial mod here as it is very, very obvious that he likes “post padding” threads. He’s started one or two himself. What’s the the thinking from the other mods? Because there is certainly a hint of Idle Thoughts rewriting basic rules to suit himself.
I would also point out that currently eight of the top ten threads in that forum are are “post padding” threads. There used to be a rule against that.
ETA: It’s been a week. Can I at least get an update on the mod discussion?
We’re still discussing. Because our “discussions” are virtual, taking place via email, and since all mods have actual life stuff going on in addition to our SDMB duties, it is not unusual for it to take a week or two – or more – to reach consensus.
We’ll let you know what’s going to happen as soon as we reach a decision.
twickster said it was being discussed because the broader policy was still being discussed. Idle Thoughts was certainly not “rewriting basic rules to suit himself.” Game threads of the sort mentioned have long been allowed. Idle’s update was a clarification of the existing rule, not a new rule.
Since this is still under discussion, I’m going to close this.