Well, it’s been what, 55 years since the “Roswell” incident? Since that time the world has been under continuous survellance (if you believ the UFO nuts) by the little green men in their flying saucers. heck, we even got to dissect a few of them. So where are they? I mean, I just don’t get it…they travel perhaps hundreds of light years to get to this planet, and then they just hang around scaring farmers and hitchikers!
So, I ask you…where are they?
(disregard the fact that i am an alien)
Why would aliens be interested in us? we’re violent jerks who kill each other over ideas of men in the sky and skin pigmentation. If any alien landed here, he’d be shot in five minutes, causing his race to nuke our planet form orbit. We are hardly hardy enough to survive as good worker slaves, and we’d revolt cuz we’re mean little devils. There are probably warning buoys around this planet as we speak, saying “Don’t come here, they’re CRAZY!!!” (At most, they’d be interested in platypi, since they are cool, and they stole Elvis, can’t forget that…)
Enrico Fermi was the first to actually make this argument.
If there actually are aliens elsewhere, why haven’t we found any traces of them?
it’s a big universe…
“We’re right here, Enrico, but we are disguised as Hungarians!”
(Retort of the famous Hungarian physicist Whats-his-name.)
Might have been Heisenberg. Not sure.
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My conehead.
DAMMIT! :o :mad: :eek:
The sign says “Mostly Harmless”, Tars.
You should read what the Mars on sez!!!
Mars one… :rolleyes:
Szilard! Yeah, thats the one. Wait, is he the one with the dead cat?
I think they are in the USA on student visas attending flight schools usine Verizon cell phones …
“Can you hear me now …?”
elucidator wrote:
No, the one with the dead cat would be Erwin Schrödinger
I think they came, saw us “ballet”, said “What the FUCK?!” and left… hastily.
The aliens are sitting at home waiting to pick up their first batch of Guiding Light episodes so that they actually know we’re here. Then give it a couple thousand years for the colony ship to arrive, if they even care to make the trip. After all, if your evidence of artificially created radio signals from another planet was a 1930’s radio soap opera, would you invest hundreds of generations to travel hundreds of lightyears to say hello?
By the way, didn’t anybody ever report him for cruelty to animals?
The answer: It’s a big universe.
Your question seems to assume that some practical form of interstellar or intergalactic travel is possible. Currently, our best understanding of physics seems to rule this out. It may very well be that there are, have been and will be thousands of species of intelligent beings who basically just don’t/didn’t/won’t have any way effective way to communicate with each other, or even to become aware of each others’ existence.
Frankly, your post seems to be mostly a jab at the UFO freaks. Well, I’m not terribly impressed by their evidence either, though I admit there are some puzzling cases.
But, again assuming some effective form of interstellar or intergalactic travel, there are all sorts of reasons as to why ET’s haven’t yet gotten in touch with us.
Maybe they’re just not interested. Maybe we aren’t as fascinating to them as they would be to us. Maybe this is some kind of reservation for primitives. Maybe they have a “Star Trek”-like Prime Directive which forbids them from contacting species which haven’t reach a certain level of development yet. Maybe a few close encounters are the cosmic equivalent of a traveler from France or China whose car breaks down in some remote rural area of Alabama or Nebraska. Or maybe they’re the equivalent of extraterrestrial juvenile delinquents playing pranks on the hayseeds out in the sticks. Maybe they want to study us very, very closely before deciding whether or not they want anything to do with us. Maybe they’re trying to introduce themselves slowly so as to give us some time to adjust to the idea that we’re not alone, making it much less of a disruptive cultural shock. (Shucks, you could write a whole science fiction novel on that last concept.)
But even if the UFO freaks are absolutely, totally wrong about all the evidence they’ve presented so far, even if they really are the space cases they seem to be, *it doesn’t prove that there isn’t, never has been or never will be intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. * Or, to quote Carl Sagan, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
I think that pretty much settles it.
The caty was only half dead.
“Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.” ~ Erwin Schrodinger ~