So who is a photoshop/photo-editing genius and would like to help a doper?

I have a picture that I love except for the background clutter in the picture. Is there anyone who would like to take pity on me and clean the background of miscellaneous farm equipment?

The photo is entirely owned by me, so there would be no legality issues.

Please… :slight_smile:

E-mail it to me and I’ll see what I can do for you.

sgraylands @ yahoo . com

On its way.

Thanks :smiley:

Oh well here I was going to chime in but it’s taken care of. Photo editing is a hobby of mine.

Send me the picture and I can put you in all sort of embarassing and compromising positions.

Hey I want a shot so send me the picture too.

And send it to Opal.
Not that I’m competitive.

If everyone wants to play with it, I am happy to send it out.

Compete if you must - Just keep it clean and no shots below the belt :slight_smile:

I have received 2 submissions so far with one or two more to go. What I have received is a combination of the original request and some more creative takes on the depicted scene :wink: If anyone else would like to play, let me know and I will send on the pic :slight_smile:

I will post the original and the ‘edits’ at the conclusion of the weekend.

I’ve sent in a revised version of my first… fixed a detail. I need to stress again, however, that my craptop is just not that great at doing this sort of thing… between the glidepad, the resolution, and the dragging, slow CPU it’s just not nearly as easy as it is when I’m at home.

The results, of sorts, are in. :slight_smile:

I have posted them to my yahoo photo album for your viewing pleasure.

Here is what I hope is the direct link to the album

I’ve edited a few photos in my time, unfortunately I no longer have adobe on my computer, so no go for me. But here is what I did in my spare time as a backlash to that “here’s to twins” beer billboard.


Damn. Y’all are some good photoshoppers.

That was fun :slight_smile:

Great work :slight_smile:

Opel (hi!), the ones you linked to are fab, do you have any good links to tutorials for removing tapemarks, creases etc? The one you did of the bride was astounding, I can’t believe you got it so clear and sharp. I would love to learn to do that in order to preserve some family photos.

I use Paint Shop Pro for all of my stuff–I should clarify that first.

For that picture of the bride I believe I split the image into CMYK components and found the “cleanest” one, did a negative image, and worked from there. That took out a lot of the stains and tape all by itself (one of the nice things about black and white is that you can do this heh) … then a lot of clone tool did most of the rest. It took several hours, though.

I actually got several of those images from a site that is specifically about photo retouching. They have a weekly challenge image and then everyone posts their results and discusses them. I’m on vacation right now with my laptop though, so I don’t have the link. I’ll try to remember to post it when I get home.

Found it myself I believe, posting it to save Opal the trouble :slight_smile:

That’s the one! Very cool site. Learned a lot there :slight_smile:

Sorry, it’s the first stupid thing that popped into my head when I saw the pictures

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