So who likes Simon Pegg's Spaced?

My wife and I love it and we often quote Marsha’s greeting to Brian.

Marsha(in her muddle voice): Hellooo, Brian

Brian(barely opening his lips): Hello.

Marsha: May I come in?

Brian(barely opening lips: Bit busy.

Spaced was a brilliant, histerical show.

I was going to quote the bit with Brian explaining his art, but Small Clanger beat me to it.

My first experience of Simon Pegg. Yep I loved it.

“…and it makes me want to drown things!”

Love Spaced. I have a huge crush on Simon Pegg.

Mark Heap - Brian - is another hugely underrated actor. I’ve loved everything I’ve seen him in, particularly his polar opposite character in Green Wing.

Is this a programme about ZOMBIES…? :eek:

What I found interesting is how you could see bits and pieces of Alan Statham in Brian. Not in their personality, but little things like voice inflection, awkward physical contact, and utter confusion by the opposite sex. Heap did a great job with both characters.

I love this show as well.

UK people: how would you describe Marsha’s accent? I’ve heard this specific intonation used in a number of places (I think the Pythons use it as a default “criminal” accent), but I have no idea whether it’s a regional accent or a theatrical trope or whether I’m just imagining a similarity.

“Who is it?”
“Father Christmas.”

I caught several eps on YouTube a couple of years ago when a friend of mine insisted we watch it because he’s a total Pegg fan. Great show. Now I’m going to have to see if box sets are still obtainable and make hinty noises for Christmas.

Saw both seasons on recently and loved them, especially the earlier episodes every time they thought their secret was going to come out.

I’m not a UK resident, but her accent isn’t the only thing weird. She also has:

  1. A weird voice(the character, not the actress).

  2. A pretty continual buzz from wine going on.

So it’s not just a different accent.

I like his character in Lark Rise To Candleford. The deer-in-headlights nervousness is so perfect.

Love it, got the whole series set off of ebay.

My favorite scenes are the Club Scene (Set to the tune of the A-Team) and the Fight scene outside the bar (Can’t believe no ones mentioned that yet).