So...who's going to vote on Tuesday?

I’ll be up bright and early to vote. In addition to picking a governor and various state and local reps, we are deciding on 11 proposed state Constitutional Amendments.

I have been actively opposed to one of them (did a website and everything) and although I feel it’s going to pass, I still must go vote against it.

So, are you going to vote? You don’t have to share who you’re going to vote for unless you want to. And if you’re not going to vote, why not?

I’m voting via absentee ballot, as I always do.

** Not me**

I voted two weeks ago by mail. I don’t think I’ll ever go to a ballot box again.

I’m going to vote, mostly because I don’t like Gov. Gray Davis, and because I want to secede from Los Angeles.

And concerning the San Fernando Valley secession, I just read through my sample ballot…and I hope people don’t fall for the lies presented by Los Angeles in their argument against secession…

I intend to vote. The Massachusetts governor’s race is quite close, and I do have a fairly strong preference to voice. Also my boyfriend is a democracy geek, so he’d probably get on my case if I didn’t.

I put my absentee ballot in the mail a couple weeks ago, because I wanted to ensure I got my vote in on some incredibly tight races. Alas, one of those is a gubernatorial contest in which the choice of candidates is like being asked which hurts more: sticking a fork in your eye, or removing the fork. I’m voting for sticking the fork in.

Here’s to hoping for viable third party options somewhere down the road…

I’m voting for sure. We have a relatively close governer’s race, a senate seat up for grabs, and two proposed constitutional amendments including one to allow a state lottery. I have pretty strong opinions on all of them, except maybe the senate seat.

I’ve already voted and I’m kinda pissed about something. The ballots here in Tennessee are divided into three columns: one column for the Democratic candidates, one column for the Republican candidate and a third column for the third-party candidates - but their party affiliations aren’t listed!

I also voted against the lottery, but I’m afraid that it is going to pass. Dammit!

I’ll be up and out early to vote. My mother has been talking up mail-in voting for years but I really enjoy the election experience. It helps that I have a tiny polling place and have never had to wait more then a few seconds.

I can’t wait to vote. This has been an annoying election year.

In my opinion if you CAN vote and DON’T vote you lose your right to bitch about the government.

So, obviously, I’m voting…heaven forbid I should lose my right to bitch.

I will not be voting as I didn’t get my absentee ballot stuff in on time because all my identification was stolen and the US Embassy scares me. So, no bitching for me. I do, however, plan to vote for US President, and then I’m allowed to bitch, Hama!


(Yes, I know I can do it by mail, I forgot to register early enough).

I’m with you Hamadryad. That’s why I vote in every election.

Since I agree with Hamadryad, you’d better believe I’ll be voting tomorrow. Besides, I tell myself it’s my attempt to overthrow the government which makes my inner anarchist very happy!:smiley: To make things even better, the election falls on Guy Fawkes Day. In other words, I get to try to overthrow the government of the country I live in on the day the country I was born in celebrates someone’s attempt to overthrow its government.

Hey, the only thrills I can afford these days are cheap ones.

Most definitely.

Polls open at 7 AM here in San Diego and I don’t have to be at work until 8:30, so that is nice in that I can really take my time going through the fairly long ballot (and also to make sure I didn’t leave any hanging chads on the punchcard that is still used here. I am SO looking forward to the end of those things - I understand the local Registrar of Voters is in process of deciding what electronic system to bring in.)

In my state, we have early voting as an option.
I voted 2 weeks ago.

I also already voted - maybe I’ll vote again this tuesday :wink: - just kidding.

I have not missed one main election (excluding primaries, school board) since I started but this is the 1st time I voted absentee.

I haven’t misssed the opportunity yet - I’ll be there bright and early.

Vote early, vote often.

I will. I meant to go vote early (as Bosda said, we have early voting in Tennessee), but I got lost trying to find the place.

So I’ll be at Bearden elementary at 8 AM Tuesday morning to vote for governor, a senator, and some other stuff, including the vote on whether to change the state constitution to allow a lottery.

Wow, what a bunch of concientous (sp?) citizens!!

Hey, Tenn Dopers…how come you don’t want a lottery?

Hey, is there a short reason why US elections aren’t held on Saturdays, when it would be easier for people to vote - not as many people have to work?

Not voting, can’t.