So, who's on your ignore list?

Or, just maybe, he’s just listed everyone who’s posted in this thread, just like Zeldar did on page 3.

I had brazil84 on my ignore list for a while - then I was nosy and wondered about his response to a topic and I removed the ignore.

I should never read one of his posts.

Not enough BP medication in the world.

Cool! I have to assume that the bulk of those 5,354 posts (as of yesterday) were up before June of 2003. Or else in places I don’t visit much.

Since searches are a true pain in the ass these days, could you (or anybody else with firsthand experience with Enderw24’s posting habits) indicate which fora and which topics HE has been most active in? Maybe a thread title or something like that.

That kind of wit (the gag in this thread as an example) is something I’d like to follow up with, but not at the tune of 5-minute searches that may show the last thing he said was in 2001!

**Enderw24 **already explained how he did his joke.

Which matches close to my speculation from even earlier:

Indeed. I should probably take him off my ignore list then…

I’m probably on quite a few ignore lists, but I only have one on mine.

Yeah, I remember that as well. I did read and start threads on the first two books sent, but “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” still stands, unread, taunting me from my bookshelf. I actually look at it from time to time and feel bad that I never lived up to my end of the bargain and posted about that book.

I’ll do it soon.

[sub]and yeah, I’m a guy.[/sub]

You’ll probably enjoy the book, it is one of the best. Sorry about the gender confusion, somewhere along the way I thought you were female. At least I remembered you as a poster though and a few minor facts.

There is nobody on my ignore list. The ones who were on it have since been banned.


So you and I need to get together, then, and decide who’s next?

Now that I think of it, I have been tempted to put SA on my ignore list. But, even though I disagree with almost everything he types, there’s just something about his unrelenting unbendiness that charms me. :slight_smile:

I can’t seem to help myself, I actually like SA. I don’t agree with him all that much and I think I blasted him once and then apologized later, but overall SA is an entertaining poster. I guess I agree with him more than average though for the active posters. Deep down I am still a Bullmoose Republican and so I am a little closer to SA politics than most of the active posters it seems.

Sorry bub! I’d garnered your gender by the comments of other posters. I meant no disrespect.

If I did, I’d have called you a c*nt!.. wait… what’s the second letter? Dammit. Looks like a longhand approach to solve this one.

Let’s see. I’ll use an “a” You are a cant. Well, that really doesn’t have much punch. I guess I’d have called you a cent.

I really like Pit Lite

Stink Fish Pot
Charter Member

My politics are left-leaning, especially socially, though I do share some conservative viewpoints on business and government. (Note I said CONSERVATIVE, not REPUBLICAN).
SA has said things about liberals that make my blood boil, but like I said, he is so firm and stuck on everything that you can’t help but like him. And I’ve interacted with him a little bit over PM and he is actually a fairly friendly guy.

Don’t get your Kn*ckers in a twist.

My ignore list is empty. I guess I’m just a sucker for punishment because I tend to seek out posts by the posters I dislike the most. Mmm, pissing myself off for no reason.

I wonder if it would be possible, since insult and abuse surely must lie in the eyes of the abusee, to preemptively guarantee that I won’t feel insulted or abused regardless of what people write about me.

Ditto. The worst part of the new rules is that it limits what people can say about me. I find being flamed highly amusing, but apparently you have to hang out in GD or otherwise be a complete and utter dipshit to get pitted. shrug

I would never be bothered to put anyone on my ignore list, although as administrator of the Death Pool it is tempting to ignore Rachm Qoch so I never see his entry. For the uninitiated, RQ wins every year.

I love you too much to Pit you, kid, but I’ll be happy to slander both you and your boyfriend Panthro.