So, you don't like Trump. Do you REALLY thing that Hillary is a good person?

What evidence do you have that her acts of empathy are fake?

That’s exactly what I mean in my previous post. When stuff is used to smear someone, you don’t take it seriously without proof.

What does the first sentence have to do with the second?

Please elaborate.

How the hell would you know? One of her flaws as a politician but not as a person is that she seems rather cold and artificial when performing to crowds. Her reputation among her inner circle, and one on one with strangers, is that she is extremely warm and caring.

I think of her as too corporate and too war-mongery for my taste, but extremely competent, and compared to The Worst President We Have Ever Had ™, she is a goddess.

That she is so much hated is a tribute to the overwhelming misogyny of the American public, and as far as I can tell, nothing else.

I think that she and Bill were despicable in many ways. When they were running in the general elections, I thought that they were easily the better choice and still do.

I honestly don’t know. So far nobody in this thread has really given any reason why she isn’t a good person.

I know a lot of people hate her. I don’t know whether this is because of things they genuinely see in her, or because of things they’ve projected onto her.

Well, way, way better than Trump. At least. She is, IMHO not an overly charismatic person but I think she would have been entirely competent to run this country. Yes, I am confident that she is a decent human being. With empathy, vision, reasoning ability. Everything Trump lacks.

This is the bestest gotcha ever, LiveFree!

Sadly, you didn’t get me, because this isn’t a yes/no question. Good try, though!

Naw, it won’t show that. :rolleyes:

Given that she has been investigated, re-investigated, and re-re-investigated more than any single American alive today…

Given that her enemies have squandered millions of dollars over the course of almost three decades looking for some criminality or wrongdoing…

Given that these investigations have obtained not more than a mouse fart’s worth of evidence of actual criminal wrongdoing…

Yes. I am confident that Hillary is a good person by any reasonable definition. At least as good as any other American. And she was a better choice than Trump in literally every respect imaginable.

I may not have gotten you before but I think I do now.

Really? How and by whom will it be assessed whether or not we can? Can’t help but think it comes down to whether or not we agree with your opinion – which most certainly does NOT show how good we are at judging someone while putting our political affiliation aside.

Yes. People who know her well tell story after story of her generosity and kindness. I believe them.

So basically the options for your poll are

‘Believe right wing propaganda’
‘be deluded’

Hmm, not sure.

From what I know of Hillary she seems decent. She helped run a charity that helped a lot of people. She has devoted herself to public service for decades.

But she has done some bad stuff in her quest for power (assuming the Juaniti Brodderick story is true). She is still a much, much better person than Trump though. But not as good a person as Obama.

Also she has been investigated endlessly, and never indicted. I’d say that is a good sign.

Explain to us on a point by point basis why she is a terrible human being.

I mean… she definitely better than Trump, but that’s a pretty low bar to surpass. She isn’t very charismatic in public (I hear she’s warmer in person but I wouldn’t know), and it is obvious she is a career politician, and there probably has been some behind the scenes typical political swarminess. But I do think she genuinely cares about the people and places she represents, and isn’t in it just to pander to whoever will prop up her ego. Certainly her platform is more about ideas I would categorize as loving than hateful.

This sums up my feelings quite nicely. Kudos for crawling in my head and articulating what I couldn’t.


I think she’s smart, ambitious, not altogether ethical, more than a touch Machiavellian, and has an oversized ego…in other words, she’s a politician. I don’t think her “character flaws” would be nearly as big a deal to a lot of people if she were a man.

Do I think she’s a good person? Deep down, probably. Definitely a better person than Trump. Do I think she’d make a good President? I’m not sure. But once again, definitely the problems she would cause would be better for the country, IMO, than the ones Trump is causing.

I didn’t vote because I can’t give a qualified “Yes,” but I’d lean closer to “Yes” than “No.”

WTF is “good person” supposed to mean? It’s a stupid and ridiculous question that completely obscures the central question of what it means to be the US president. The facts and the criteria that matter are pretty simple:

Trump is an unprincipled lying kleptocrat with a severe case of narcissistic personality disorder, evidencing all the DSM-5 clinical symptoms of NPD. He has not remotely either the temperament or competence to be a public servant in the capacity of dog catcher, let alone president of the USA. His entire administration has been a dumpster fire from Day 1.

Hillary, whether you like her or not, is an experienced and knowledgeable politician who would at least have run the executive branch with some modicum of competence and not made the US an international laughingstock.

Clinton’s only real period of executive power was during her time as secretary of state. In that time she did some truly terrible things.

She supported the overthrow of democracy in Honduras. Those migrant caravens? They are fleeing the legacy of Hillary Clinton.

She came, she saw, she destroyed the government of Libya. The country ended up a mess, partly controlled by ISIS, with public slave auctions and no unified government at all. It also went from the country with the largest per capita refugee population to a haven for human traffickers who ship most of the refugees into Europe, causing the current migrant crisis and exacerbating tensions which helped bring about Brexit and a fear which no doubt helped Trump get elected in America.

She also backed the war against Assad which led to the rise of ISIS.

So the one time she’s had power over people she used it to shed epic quantities of blood, destroy democracy and cackle over the deaths of her enemies. Not a good person. Not even compared to Trump.