So, you've opened a music store...

… where you have lots of guitars for sale. So, they’re hanging from those holders on a wall so potential customers can take one down, plug it in, and give it a try. For security, you have a huge, muscular employee with a bad attitude. His main job is to break the arms of potential customers if they play a certain song on one of the stores guitars. Which song will you designate as the NO PLAY song?

Off the top of my head, my first choices would be

Stairway to Heaven
Smoke On The Water
Hotel California

What song or songs would you ban aspiring guitarists from playing? :confused:


I would have picked “Stairway,” but Wayne’s World beat me to it (too bad they couldn’t secure the rights to actually play any of the song).

“Freebird” – ha!

Let’s see…I’ll go with “Seven Nation Army”

Back in the mid-90s, the answer was Paranoid.

OT, but I was driving home from work yesterday and listening to a Denver radio station that plays everything from the 60s to current radio hits. The DJ was playing Paranoid, which I hadn’t heard in probably 20 years. The station went to commercial, and I switched to a classic rock station – which had just started playing Paranoid.

It made me feel – I dunno …

Or Iron Man.

Just finished Soul Music, eh?

“Shouldn’t they get a warning?”
“That will be their warning.”

No, it’s Ozzy’s Crazy Train

Anything involving a wah-wah pedal. Those things should require a license.

I’d save money, skip the muscular guy, put up a big sign saying you can’t play Race with Devil on Spanish Highway. That piece is just as likely to hurt them as the big guy if they try to play it.

No Stairway? Denied!

To be honest, I was just reminded of Soul Music. :slight_smile:

Oh, I forgot, Sweet Home Alabama is a candidate too.

What? You’re saying “Tales Of Brave Ulysses” should be a candidate? Or you mean stuff like “Theme From Shaft”?

Eruption, or anything involving putting the right hand on the neck

I once sprained my wrist just doing an air guitar version.

Sweet Child O’ Mine… Slash was not Slash until after much, much, much more practice kiddo.

I am saying that a person coming to a wah pedal for the first time - eesh. If they can pull of stuff like Tales, yay - love that song.

Baby Boomer posers playing the “blues.” :wink:

Seriously though, I would just have an isolation room or two to put the amps in.

DMB Crash into me
Pink Floyd Wish you were here
Red Hot Chili Peppers Under the Bridge

All songs I like actually but they’re all those kind of songs guitarists just starting out seem to love to learn about halfway thru or something and then they quit playing the guitar 3 months later.

Back in the day, Boston’s *More Than a Feeling * was like that, too, along with *Sweet Home, Cat Scratch Fever *and China Grove by The Doobie Brothers.

Oh, and no one could get the timing down on the Back in Black riff or Black Dog.

Smells Like Teen Spirit.