Soft drinks

I think the phosphoric acid is bad for you on the other end of the equation: it keeps your body from absorbing the calcium you eat as opposed to dissolving the calcium that’s already in your bones. I could very well be wrong, but it’s logicial: IIRC the “calcium” in bones is in the form of calcium phosphate… phosphoric acid would make this LESS, not more, soluble because of the common ion effect.

Your body needs calcium for other reasons than just bones. “Blood calcium level’s getting low, and the digestive system isn’t supplying us with any… hey, wait, here’s a whole lot of calcium in these handy storage units! Let’s just use some of that!”

I was trying to cut down on the caffeine. (I’d be super-jittery all evening after drinking Coke & coffee all day.) Ginger ale gets old quickly, as does Sprite, 7-Up, Fresca, Citra, and water.

I thought I had the solution with root beer. Unfortunately, I was drinking Barq’s, which does have caffeine.

And my employer frown on drinking beer at work. :frowning:

I don’t drink sodas. Nor do I drink caffeine. It makes me high in a very unpleasant way. I hate the feeling that all my hair is standing on end. When I am thirsty, I drink water. When I am at a restaurant and don’t want water, I drink lemonade. If they don’t have it. I drink water. At home, I sometime will drink herbal teas. I am very careful about my caffeine intake (the primary method being chocolate less than once every two months). Peppermint tea is very good, as well as herbal peach. YUM!


PS. To all the caffeine drinkers out there, “NYAH! NYAH! I can sleep when I want to and always feel refreshed in the morning.” (This comes from a night owl.) :wink:

Gasoline: As an accompaniement to cereal it made a refreshing change. Glen Baxter

Ok, Sqrl, but let’s see you drink an entire pot of coffee or a two liter bottle of Diet Coke and go to sleep! I can! NYAH to you :slight_smile:

BTW, I, think that Pepsi One is the most god awful stuff on the face of the planet! Tab was 1000 times better. What is that? The worst part about it is it’s not disgusting upfront, it’s a sneaky aftertaste. I will NEVER forget trying it. I was like “hey, this isn’t too bad oh my god what the hell is that taste?” I couldn’t get the taste out of my mouth for HOURS. I brushed. I flossed. I rinsed. Nothing took that taste away. Yuck.

WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above as apparently my cat has learned to type. =^…^=

Ike, I’m with you, Missy and Sqrl. What is it with sodas? I grew up on Coke, with every meal. Stopped in college because water is cheaper. Now I can’t stand the stuff. Occasionally I’ll have a root beer or ginger ale. By the way, check out all the brew pups popping up for root beer, many of them are brewing it as an alternative to their beers, and some are very good. (Not that I want an alternative to good beer very often, but sometimes with lunch). ::ramble ramble::

I am addicted to freshly brewed iced tea. I have an iced tea maker that I use all the time. I only put lemon in my tea, no sugar. When I go to a fast food restaurant and it’s after 4:00pm (my cutoff point for caffinated drinks) I don’t know what to drink…I don’t really like sodas very much. Sometimes I’ll just have milk.
Another problem is that most fast food restaurants seem to be using instant iced tea. I can’t drink instant. It’s awful.

“Predictable, really I suppose. It was an act of purest optimism to have posed the question in the first place.” --John Cleese