I just don’t understand organized softball. There seems to be two forms. Both heavily weighted against the batter.
One, (Fast pitch) the pitcher practically stands on top of the batter and under hands the ball as fast as he can towards the catcher. Because the pitcher is so close and the ball is thrown so fast, the batter can barely get around on the ball. What’s the point?
Two, (Slow pitch) the pitch throws the ball in a big rainbow towards the plate. The ball is coming almost straight down by the time the batter is supposed to hit the ball. Again, what’s the point?
Is any one having fun here? Heaven forbid the batter actually has a chance to hit the ball and the fielders have to make a play.
I know that occasionally a batter does get around on the ball and there is some action on the field, but compared to organized baseball, there is very little going on.
You want to throw hard? Stand back a little! God forbid the teams actually score a few more runs and make for an exciting game! Have some fun for Christ’s sake!
When my friends and I play, we actually allow the “at plate” team to use one of their players to pitch to them. After 9 inning the score is often 28 to 26, which is not a “normal” softball score, but we sure had a great time!