Software development - anyone know where I can get dictionary data?

Does anyone know of where I can get free dictionary data (word definitions, pronunciations, synonyms, antonyms, etc) that I can use for a software program I am making that includes a fully functional on-board dictionary?

I came across the Princeton Wordnet dictionary data that is used by several popular apps, and while I have found the definitions adequate, they are not necessarily comprehensive enough or ideal for graduate studies.

Alternatively, are there any other relatively inexpensive licenses for this type of data? I can probably pay up to $10,000 for a developers license.

Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to offer.


You could download a XML data dump from the Wiktionary project. No idea how comprehensive it is, but it’s probably a good starting point.

ETA: I believe the latest-pages-articles file (128MB ZIPPED XML!) is the one you would want.

Thanks, Friedo, this looks something worthwhile checking into. Very much appreciated. Massive file is part of the territory :slight_smile:

Have a look at some dictd databases.

ETA: more of them, with licensing info

Thanks, Superfluous Parentheses. I notice that they incorporate the Webster’s 1913 plus WordWeb in one large file. This could be useful… still looking for something more up to date, though.