Simple dictionary as tab seperated

I have looked everywhere, I need a simple dictionary, for import into a local database. Prefer word<tab>definition, but I can clean up most anything, however, I am looking for a versy simplistic one, with perhaps no more than 2 definitions, just the most common. I want to import this into a datbase and wrtie a small web app that will accept emails from cell phones, and return the definition of words, so the results must be simple since cell phones can not diaply a lot of data.

This is just a WAG, but it might be easier to have your script pull (or site scrape) the first couple of definitions off a web-based dictionary like or I don’t have the first idea about how to code such a thing, but in theory it would have several advantages over a static database.

Clever Keys from

In case anyone ever needs it, here is the place