
So tell me more about Soju. I’ve tried it twice in a few mixed drinks and it seems pretty good. Do people drink it straight? What are some of your favorite mixed soju based drinks. Soju kamakazis were really good.

I’ve only seen it drunk straight, and have only done it straight. Shot glass (therefore, no rocks), drunk either in sips or one gulp (I prefer sips.)

Oh yes, definitely in sips. I tried it in gulps a couple of times, and sipping soju definitely cuts down on the waking-your-roommate-up-by-vomiting-all-over-him-and-his-bed factor. Just one factor of the “Soju Experience,” after which you can authentically claim to be stationed in Korea.

Both Soju and Makali (Korean wine made from rice, which is one of the few potable substances on earth viler than Soju) are the main reasons I no longer drink.

Hmm…the soju I’ve had wasn’t particularly fiery or disgusting. I prefer sipping because I actually like to taste the alcohol I’m drinking, whereas shooting, to me, is just a waste of good alcohol. I may have only been exposed to the good stuff, I admit.

Koreans have this raspberry wine though that is just amazing.