Palestinians renounce violence and protest peacefully. This moves Israel to also renounce violence and to tear down the settlements. Palestinian statehood is declared at approximately the '67 borders.
Problem solved. You’re welcome, world.
What’s the next issue? Abortion? Racism? Income inequality? The drug trade?
Gaza is a narrow strip and isn’t occupied. It is besieged, Israel controls the borders …
The people of Gaza don’t want Israel squashing them into the little strip. and they don’t like being besieged.
However the aim may be to force Israel to leave the West Bank, but that would also require Israel to give up Jerusalem and so many settlements.
Health care and pension costs spiraling out of cintrol: ritual suicide at 70.
Global warming: mandate total global public and private investment in renewable energy must equal 1% of global gdp, about $700 billion. This is triple current spending.
So I stole my brilliant idea from NPR this morning. Want technology to innovate faster? Boom, get ride of patents, people will take your ideas and improve upon them. Problem solved.
Guys, are you having trouble getting a girlfriend? Just execute all the other dudes that are better looking, more athletic, or wealthier than you. You’ll be drowning in dates in no time!
Racism: Eugenics. Force breed everyone together until there is only one race.
Income equality: Cap inheritance at $1 million. Redistribute the remainder amongst everyone.
The drug trade: Make unauthorized possession of controlled substances punishable by immediate execution. Once all users are reformed or dead, the trade will disappear on its own.
I would allow the first $50k of capital gains realized by individuals and households every year to be tax-free, and double that if used for qualifying reasons (health care, education, homebuying (maybe), etc.)
**The economy, unemployment, and the increasingly sorry state of our infrastructure: **government borrows money to put people to work repairing our roads, water and sewer systems, etc., unemployment drops, people have more money to spend, tax receipts go up, etc.
Not that this one’s original with me.
Climate change: cap and trade. Duh.
Gaming the stock market: Tax capital gains at the higher of regular income and (99 - # days an asset has been held)%. (E.g. if you sell a stock 3 days after you buy it, your gain is taxed at 99 - 3 = 96%.) For same-day trading, tax at (99.99 - 0.04*(number of hours held))%. (E.g. if you sell a stock that you’ve held for 3 hours, your gain is taxed at 99.99 - 0.12 = 99.87%.)
More facetiously:
Israel/Palestine: clear out a chunk of land on the North Dakota/Canada border, relocate Israel to there.
It wouldn’t solve them all, but it would certainly constitute a good start.
A basic wage shall be paid to every US citizen, whether or not they are willing/able to work. Taxes will be levied against investment income and churches to pay for this.
Cap all public pensions, mayors to presidents at $100,000. Enough money saved to fund education and healthcare for all.
There is an appeal process though, so it’s not overly harsh! You make your case for more, before a panel of nine people who live on less than 100,000$ Annul income!