Some cowardly shitstain fascist stole my Biden sign

It’s important to note that, in the story posted by @Turek, the placement of the sign violated local ordinances and was being removed, officially, by a local township employee for non-political reasons.

Sounds like probably jail time for the asshole then, excellent.

Yeah, the signs were booby trapped and on public land.

I drive through an extremely red part of North Carolina on my commute. I was rather surprised yesterday to notice that someone had erected a massive (think country road billboard-sized) Biden-Harris sign in front of their barn. It appears to be a professionally made one, too.

I came here to post the Booby Trapped Razor Blade Sign story, but seeing that it’s already been done, I’ll comment on this instead.

I assume you must be referring to the “Thin Blue Line” flag here. It’s a common symbol of police solidarity, also commonly displayed when a cop is murdered in the line of duty. This happened in my small farm community last year (right down on my corner), and made national headlines that even Trump remarked upon. The whole community was festooned with Thin Blue Line flags and blue ribbons and blue lights for about a year, and even now there are still a lot of them around.

Wikipedia page: Thin blue line - Wikipedia
Scroll down for pics of the flag from several states and countries.

I do, indeed. I’ve read the “blue line” stuff, too. It’s ridiculous they adopt the symbol for cops not turning in corrupt cops and put it on a flag they’ve desecrated by removing the color.

The color encapsulates the patriotism of the United States. We talk of the “red, white, and blue” to discuss the flag and the country it stands for. It makes no sense to remove the color if you’re trying to look patriotic.

If they’d thrown the black and blue inside the stripes, I’d get it. It would call attention to itself, while still being an American flag, saying that American needs its police. But, as is, it reads like the blue and black took over America, draining it of its color and what it symbolizes. The red is the blood, bravery, courage. The blue is the justice and vigilance.

Black Lives Matter couldn’t have made a better flag for the police. The blue line is more important than America. Cops at all costs!

The homeowner said his sign had previously been stolen, then mysteriously was returned later with the razor blades attached, and he never noticed the blades. OK, Sparky, I’m convinced.

Sounds completely plausible to me.

I like election signs in people’s yards. Lets you identify the idiots and then you can steer clear.

He’s just taking a page from his hero’s playbook: “Whatever may have happened, it’s not my fault”. Actually, Sergeant Schultz (from Hogan’s Heroes) nailed it a long time ago: “I see nothing. I know nothing.”

How about putting up a new one, with two next to them (not in the ground) with an extra sign “get your FREE Biden yard signs here!”?

“If you like this sign call 555-voteBiden to get your own”

(The booby-trap stuff is decidedly juvenile)

I’m sure that if this is going to be too costly you can crowdfund this effort.

The retired US Marine had his Trump flag stolen. He just replaced it and has a “smile you’re On Camera” sign. Like I said before it’s a mixed signage town.

Juvenile is okay - it’s just a mild response to an ugly behavior. As long as it stays at that level, I’m in support.

I would not condone razor blades (or even capsaicin if it were going to do real harm). But a sign-stealer only bears the consequences of chili/slime/adhesive/ink/whatever when THEY start it, by going onto someone’s private property and stealing what someone has every right to have in their yard.

If it were me, I’d have little faith in the deterrent effect of one of those “smile you’re on camera” signs. First of all, it’s pretty obviously going to be fake (lots of people have them around here in rural areas but I doubt they’ve all invested in security systems with video cameras). Second, all you have to do to outsmart a camera is wear a mask and maybe stuff a pillow in your shirt to distort your shape.

Oddly enough, I just read an article in our local paper about a HoA that told a resident that they had to quit electrifying their Trump signs.

Funny I drove to a small rural town about drive minutes from here, Trump signs galore. Saw one of those Trump flags with him as Rambo! Never thought I would ever see one of those in real life!

Yeah, there are some real fucking morons out there.

Dude is just a low-life common shit criminal. And apparently a Republican donor. But I repeat myself.

In a nearby town, ALL Biden signs were stolen a few weeks ago. Both the ones erected by the county Democratic party on roadsides and ones erected by private citizens in their own yards. They were all replaced by the county Democratic party, including the private ones, but the police are still investigating the matter.

Republicans are opposed to democracy. Here’s a video of them discussing how to,suppress voting.

They are openly saying that Democracy is a bad thing now.

They are trying to make “democracy” into a bad word. “Democracy” is a bad thing. It is “Rank” according to a Republican Senator. What he’s saying is that certain people are lesser, and should not be allowed to vote.

This is the Republican Party Leadership.