Some people don't like the taste of beer

I love beer, especially IPAs. Really, really love the stuff. I’m getting teary eyed just thinking about the relationship I have with beer.

Like a lot of people, my first introductions to beers were really shitty cheap brands, like Labatt’s Blue. It just exists for people to get drunk. Then people starting introducing me to beers that weren’t cheap but that I didn’t like, but eventually I found I really enjoy a tasty German pilsner. The good ones aren’t always easily found but they’re out there.

Never cared for it and, for all the crap the cheap macrobrews get, if I HAD to drink a beer then “It’s basically yellow water” is a feature, not a bug. The further a beer gets from that and more into rich beer flavor, the less I’m going to want to drink it. There’s a few where I can nurse a bottle over an hour at a backyard cookout to be personable but none that I would actually buy on my own to keep in the fridge.

I live in Nebraska, and I used to say that I was going to get myself hypnotized into liking football, beer, and fat women. Talk about living in the land of plenty!

Can’t stand beer, or any other alcoholic drink I’ve tried. People have told me it’s an acquired taste. Why should I spend lots of money to aquire a taste for something that will lead me to spending even more money to appease it?

I hate beer. The taste is disgusting, like something gone bad. Yet strangely enough when the temperature soars over 90F beer becomes a magical thirst quencher. As soon as the thermometer drops to 89F beer tastes like crap again. And maybe if I haven’t been out in the sun too long it never tastes good. When I was a kid I had no choice but to drink beer, or so I thought, then I found out I could buy liquor as easily as I could buy beer and I put an end to that. Luckily I didn’t have any alcoholic tendencies or I’d be dead already. It was unbelievable how easily a 16 year old could buy beer and liquor.

Can’t stand it either. I’ve tried a lot of different kinds because everyone insists I must try their beer because it is the “right” beer. Every sip I’ve had tastes exactly the same. Bad.

I do think I am a “supertaster” for bitter. I don’t like coffee or wine, or bitter veggies like brussel sprouts. I even find turkey bitter and now I’m starting to find fried food bitter.

It works out for me because I’m also cheap. If I go to the bar it’s $2.95 for a Diet Coke plus a $5 tip. Not sure how people manage to drop all that money on beer at the bar.

I don’t think it’s an acquired taste, really; it’s a matter of learning what the different tastes are so you know what you like. Saying “I like beer” is like saying “I like vegetables” or “I like meat.” Just as chicken nuggets don’t taste like lobster Newburg, a cheap lager doesn’t taste like a stout and you might enjoy one and absolutely despise the other.

But I do like beer, vegetables, and meat.

I first encountered beer when my dad and his friends would play poker on certain holidays. It had a intriguing odor. I never really tried drinking it 'til college, however. It didn’t taste great, but the effects of a few encouraged me to develop an acquired taste for it. Now there are several brews I really like the taste of.

My experience with coffee developed the same way but over a longer timeline. However, both coffee and beer taste differently from what I guessed they would taste like by just their scents.

Someone on these boards once said that acquired tastes are just Stockholm syndrome for the taste buds. I agree, but the physical rewards that come with ethanol and caffeine sure sped the process up for me.

I like a good beer or ale, but the problem is that it literally fills me up fairly quickly. This is National Craft Beer Week, so a few of us went out to our favorite watering hole for food and beer because it was a dollar off every beer but really because it was a good excuse to go out. LOL

Even though I only had a burger and half my sweet potato fries, I could only drink 2 beers. I wanted a third, but I was completely full. Am I just weird, or are today’s robust beers really that filling?

When I was 13, my family moved. All my dad’s buddies who he’d helped over the years showed up and helped. One of the guys grabbed a couple beers from the ice and offered me one. It was thirst quenching. I had four or five more before my dad noticed and suggested I slow down.

I don’t think it’s a “bitter” thing for me since I’m fine with coffee, dark chocolate and other bitter foods. In fact, I don’t know if I could pinpoint what I don’t like about beer without sitting down with one and trying to noodle it out and that’s not a great use of my time.

Even in my college days, I’d stick with cheap vodka or bum wines* over the cheap beer. Sometimes I’d get roped into some nickel beer night but me and my friends were much more likely to drink in a dorm room or apartment.

*Hear that? I’d rather drink Night Train than your beer!

Welcome to the SDMB Justice Kavanaugh

Well craft beers may likely be more filling. It depends on the alcohol content - more ABV, more calories. And I’ve found there are a number of craft beers that get pretty high on the ABV.

You may be overlooking the timeless truism that “alcohol is the cause of, and the solution to, most of life’s problems.”

Yeah, something like a Three Floyd’s Dark Lord I could only drink one at a session and then I have to wash my mouth out with the lightest, lowest calorie beer I could find. And that will get me pretty damned well buzzed.

Sorry, what?

I got this:

Kavanaugh was the beer-swilling sot who professed his love of beer during his Supreme Court nomination hearing.