Some root canal and crown questions

I had a root canal performed on me today and had a temporary crown filled on one of my molars. I forgot to ask some questions to the dentist.

  1. Can I eat? If so, what kind of food?

  2. Can I brush my teeth?

And finally, can I play sports? A non-contact sport like badminton and maybe tennis. I think I’m having the permanent crown placed next week, and I want to play some badminton over the weekend.

Time to take Motrin. :smiley:

Yes, you can eat, although it’s wisest to chew on the other side. Yes, you can brush your teeth, but don’t be too vigorous on the temporary crown. Sports should be just fine, as long as you don’t get too rattled.

Even if the temp does fall out, it’s apparently not a big deal. As I recall, you can replace it with a dab of toothpaste to help hold it in place until you can get back to the dentist for a more permanent fixative. Did your dentist not give you an information sheet about the care of a temporary crown?

Yes, you can eat. If you have a temp crown avoid sticky things such as gum, caramel and doughy pizza. If it’s a temp filling stay away from sharp or really crunchy foods – nuts, chips, etc.

Brush as you normally do and don’t forget to floss. You want the gum to be healthy. Do not use the ‘Snap in, snap out’ style of flossing as it will take a temp crown right out. Work the floss between the teeth, floss, let go of one end and pull straight out.

Max Torque: My dentist didn’t give me an information sheet about taking caring of a temporary crown. They did have a TV in the room, and watched a bit while I was getting drilled. :smiley:

Peri and Max Torque: Thanks for the helpful tips!