Everybody tells me that Yahoo is better than AOL (well they tell me a dead skunk in the middle of the road is better than AOL). But I’ve found it’s a lot less irritating than Yahoo. Specifically IM.
I have a friend…or rather someone who could be a friend if we could talk…who insistes on talking on Yahoo. But all I get (even when I don’t want it) is “Yahoo Messenger is signing in me” and then nothing.
Or “Yahoo Messenger is opening an IM window for my friend …please wait.” And then nothing.
A Yahoo is a vile and savage creature, filthy and with unpleasant habits, resembling human beings far too closely.
The term “Yahoo” has become synonymous with “cretin,” “dinosaur,” and/or “Neanderthal.”
All this from Wikipedia.
I think that hits it on the nose.
Use a program called Gaim. It works for google talk, aim, yahoo, msn, etc. You can sign into to all of them using one program and combine all your buddy lists. The interface is similar to aim so you won’t have to compromise.
Well, for IMing, just get GAIM or Adium, either of which offer ICQ, MSN, and Jabber/Google Talk connectivity, along with AIM & Y!.