Do you belong to one of the many “Instant Messenger” groups, and if so, which one?
I just joined Yahoo Messenger (id is czarcasm1), and all the messages from porn stars and presidential aides gets to be monotonous after awhile.
I use AOL Instant Messenger. If I get an IM from someone I don’t know, and they don’t identify who they are, I just block them. Its only happened to me a few times.
Wow. I’m impressed. I’ve never gotten one of those on Yahoo [sub] (arden_ranger)[/sub]. I used to get them when I was on AOL, but since I now have AIM [sub] (Arden Ranger)[/sub] , I don’t get them anymore.
I’m also on MSN [sub] (arden_ranger) [/sub] with nary an unwanted message. Now, ICQ [sub] (52453310)[/sub] , all the damn time with the the URL sendings for porn and easy money.
I’ve never gotten an unwanted message with ICQ but it may be because I have all the security stuff set on it. Only those I allow can send me messages.
that’s one thing I don’t like about AIM, because you don’t get to ask someone ahead of time who they are. However, you can make it so only those on your buddy list can message you.
I also have MSN. I can’t believe I have all three, lol. I don’t have yahoo mainly because I don’t know anyone else who does.
I don’t set mine so just my buddies can reach me because I don’t know a lot of my friends screen names. A lot of us have moved around, and its an easy way to keep in touch. We pass around the names so we can have others get in touch with the ones we lost touch with. I also, occasionally get IMs from dopers. For me, its worth the little bit of crap I get sent.
I have AIM (El Heembo), MSN Messenger (heembo), and Yahoo IM (el_heembo).
Only on AIM do I ever get messages from people I don’t know. It’s no big deal, though.
I use ICQ. I’m technologically inept so I don’t use any others.
I am on AIM (NGEvnglion), ICQ (59531288), and MSN, but I am not sure what my number for that is. IRC, efnet, #saturniso
I belong to Yahoo, AIM, MSN, and ICQ.
I’ve noticed the same thing you did with Yahoo. What a pain! Haven’t had it happen lately, but when it did happen I was usually on one of Yahoo’s sites…
Recently, I think Yahoo sold off a lot of its mailing lists to third-party companies, and as a result, I always get many pieces of email from XXX purveyors. Most of them have a “Re: your password” subject line, which is designed to make you open the damn thing and sign up with their porn.
I’ve got ICQ (164010 & 93472479), AIM (Mauvaise3), and Yahoo (Mauvaise3). Though I hardly ever use anything but ICQ.
I only belong to ICQ (13425124) and tend to be on erratically. However, since work is slowing down (I work at a university), I will probably be on more frequently during the day (US/Eastern time).
I used to use ICQ a lot, but about a year and a half ago I started to get really fed up with the generally poor quality of the programming. Every damn release just got bigger, more bloated and buggier. After a while, I realized it wasn’t worth it to stay in touch with my two contacts.
I use AIM exclusively at this point. Used to have ICQ, but kept forgetting to save my buddy list and lost it repeatedly due to assorted computer problems and OS installs. A significant number of my friends use it, but it just got to be a pain in the ass finding all their information again each time it vanished. And they all use AIM too, anyway, so it was pointless.
I had IRC for a little while but never really used it. Lost it during the last system overhaul and haven’t reinstalled.
I have MSN and Yahoo. Use yahoo most as I have made several aquaintences there. Also have a couple yahoo clubs. Jus_lookin_round on yahoo and on MSN.
When I get unwanted IM’s from JennaXXX or My_sweet_young_thing I just put them on the ignore list and they stop. Haven’t got one in quite a while now, 6 or 7 monthes at least.
It may have something to do with their image problems after they stated that they were going to start selling porn and adult materials in their online stores, and there was an uproar from the “prude crew” of the “Christian Right” (what don’t they understand about the sermon on the mount?) that they promptly backed out of this stand. They even deleted adult club access from their clubs index. So far they have not deleted too many clubs. But you can no longer search for them in the clubs index. Keeps kids out better, and that’s a good thing!
OK I’m stepping off the soapbox now. I’ll go quietly officer.
Do you mean IRC or ICQ? IRC’s a chat program.
I use AIM (heraldgwena) and MSN (mollymca) almost exclusively. I also have ICQ but I am never on it because I would constantly get stuff from porn sites and what not, even though I had full security on. I still had to say that I didn’t want to deal with them, and it started getting to be a pain. I have NEVER had a problem on either AIM or MSN with this. The only messeges I ever get are from my friends or people who I have given my screen names to for whatever reason.
I should also point out that for some time, I was in IMs with several wonderful ladies from the SDMB until (I think) they finally figured out that I was a complete and utter pervert.
ICQ (9038105). I still have AIM on my computer, but I never use it. I also downloaded the MSN one ages ago just to see what it had, but I didn’t like it.
I have all my preferences set just the way I like it on ICQ, and rarely get spam. I also usually leave it on all day, and check my messages when I sit down for a game of solitaire.
I’m on Yahoo daily! [sub]kahaga[/sub] Feel free to IM me… PLEASE! My job can be pretty boring most of the time so chatting can make the time pass a lot faster! Just mention the boards so I know.
I’ve gotten a couple of annoying IMs but they’re from “JenniferLopez” - Come watch my new music video. :rolleyes: Yeah, whatever. I do get a few XXX e-mails but not enough to fuss about.
I have ICQ (15244077) and I’ve probably gotten about 3 unwanted (probably porn) URLs sent to me by people I don’t know since I got it. I prevented slortar’s problem by never downloading the updates.