someone put UTI infected urine in my drink

I have a malicious old woman who I take care of. I strongly suspect she put some of her UTI infected urine in my drink while I was distracted and I drank it. That very night after she had access to my drink, I had all the classic syptoms of a UTI. I went to the emergency room because of the pain. They insist I do not have a kidney or bladder infection, but say they found evidence of infection in my body found in my blood tests. They wanted to admit me into the hospital. I refused to be admitted.

When I got home, I scoured the internet to try to find out about blood infections and was terrified to find out having a blood infection means sepsis and is very deadly.

You think a malicious person poisoned you, the ER found “evidence of infection” but you wouldn’t let yourself be admitted and properly diagnosed… and instead you want the SDMB to tell you what happened? What?

I have a malicious old woman who I haveto take care of. I strongly suspect she put some of her UTI infected urine in my drink while I was distracted and I drank it. That very night after she had access to my drink, I had all the classic syptoms of a UTI. I went to the emergency room because of the pain. They insist I do not have a kidney or bladder infection, but say they found evidence of infection in my body found in my blood tests. I very much doubt their diagnosis. They wanted to admit me into the hospital. I refused to be admitted. I am going on a trip that is very expensive and do not want to miss it, so a friend gave me a weeks supply of amoxicillin which will clear up the UTI if it is one, which being 50, I have had before and know what they feel like. When I return from my trip I of course will have a full work up and if needed will go into the hospital.

When I got home, I scoured the internet to try to find out about blood infections and was terrified to find out having a blood infection means sepsis and is very deadly.

I am now terrified because tonight she has been admitted into the hospital for infection but I do not know of what kind.

This woman has tried her very best to make me ill before every trip I’ve taken in the past 2 years because she does not want me to leave her. Is it possible she has killed me with her jealousy and filthy urine this time ?? I am very scared and would appreciate any serious answers if you have any knowledge of this sort of thing. Thank you in advance.

if you are truly scared, you should get yourself to a hospital. why trust random strangers on the Internet over the first hand diagnosis of a doctor? get a second opinion if you must, but get yourself to a doctor. a delay in treatment at your age might become costly.

The serious answer is to go to a hospital. What do you expect us to do for you?

In order for the pathogens ingested to infect your own urinary system, they would have to make it through your digestive system into your blood, and through your bloodstream into your kidneys. That doesn’t seem very likely.

More likely, you would suffer (if anything) some sort of food poisoning type symptoms - they are generally the same set of pathogens in both cases. If they made it into your bloodstream, you’d be at risk of septicemia.

As the others have said: Get your ass to the hospital, like now. That is the only answer if what you say is true. They need to do test to know how to treat you.

But yeah. If you’re that worried, why are you refusing medical attention. The internet can’t help you.

Reported for violating rule about specific medical advice.

As the above says. We can’t usefully help you. You can’t get a UTI from drinking something with the pathogen in it. If you are sick seek professional help. Don’t depend upon the internet or random friends with antibiotics.

The vast majority of UTIs (especially in women) enter the urinary system through the urethra (the ‘pee tube/hole’). Rarely, an infection that begins, or involves, the bloodstream, secondarily seeds the urinary tract. The notion that a UTI resulted from the oral ingestion of bacteria doesn’t hold water.

ETA: Francis, calm down. Asking for medical advice is no longer verboten. At worst it calls for a change in forum (to IMHO).

You created a brand-new account to ask this question? If this event actually happened, I’m not sure why you think a bunch of random strangers who’ve never met you would do better at diagnosing you than the doctors in the hospital you went to.

If you are, in fact, ill (as opposed to making this up for kicks), it’s also possible that you got ill from something entirely unrelated to the alleged urine consumption. Regardless, if you do this for a living (like working for a home health company), they have a protocol in place for body fluid exposure. Report the suspected incident to your supervisor and let them direct you how to handle it.

If you die, can I have your stuff?

Unless this is court ordered community service, the obvious question is, why?

If a malicious old woman pissed in my drink, I’d give my 3 second notice and file for UC.

ETA: I’ll take whatever Kal doesn’t want.

Perhaps they’re related?

Then you clearly know more than the doctors at the hospital, and there is nothing we can add.

If a malicious old woman pissed in my drink, being related would not temper my response. If that makes me a bad person, well, so be it.

I’d be pissed off as well, but I don’t really think this is serious.

I’ve let the mods know of this post so they can make a call on it.

You might want to pass on his drinking glass collection…

Why does the OP continue to work for a poisoner?

But isn’t a UTI just an infection that happens to take place in the UT? I didn’t think there was a special type of bacteria that had a 1…1 correspondence with urinary tract infections. Can you find bacteria on the ground, culture them, examine them under a microscope, and say, “This here is classic Urinary Tract Infection bacteria. Go ahead and shove them up your nose cuz they can’t live there but keep them away from your urinary tract.”