Something that made me sad today

Walking to school today, I saw a black and white spotted cat (kind of looked like this) lying on a grassy slope on the other side of the street. I crossed over to see if he was dead, and he appeared to be. He was lying very still, not breathing, and had one eye fixed open. A lot of oogy feelings came over me and I walked on. Later I saw two women who had stopped to pick his body up with a tarp. Walking back home later on, I noticed several posters with a picture of a black and white cat that said “I accidentally got outside. My human is very worried about me.”

:frowning: Fuck. Poor kitty. He looked very clean and cared-for, so I figured he was somebody’s pet. But I bet the owner is going to get a very sad call later on today.

Well it was sad enough with the dead cat. Then it got sadder with the two old ladies. And then the posters… :frowning: .

I shouldn’t have opened this thread.

At least the owner will hopefully know now, instead of just sitting around and wondering.

Dang, we should probably know better by now. That is a bummer, but I would speak up for thinking it’s better to know rather than wonder for weeks about what might have happened to kitty.