Something you learned about for the first time -- today!

While searching for a bit of information on the son form of Cuban music just now, I encountered this Wikipedia article on Tres which introduced me to an instrument I had never even heard of before. The earth has not slowed down a bit as far as I can tell, but it did give me the idea that perhaps the past 24 hours have provided you with something you had never heard of before.

It also occurred to me that that would be something you’d like to share.

It’s not so important as to where or how you came to learn something brand new, as it is that you noticed that it had happened.

In the spirirt of “you learn something new every day” what’s been your most recent bit of learning that strikes you as unusual enough to share with the Dope?

And, please, even if you’re tempted to point out to others how long ago and under what conditions you became aware of what somebody else just learned about, try to allow other people’s discoveries to stand as valuable to them. It’s not a contest. It’s more of a revelation session.

I learned that the movie MAS*H held up over the years. And that Hot Lips’ meltdown in the shower scene was an academy award-worthy performance.

…and you learned this today? I want to hear more.

I haven’t seen the movie in prolly 20 years, so yes. I just learned it today. Funnier than hell!

That Jeff Goldblum is watching me poop. Well, I learned it yesterday, but still, I had no idea.

Thanks for clarifying. There are dozens (nay, hundreds) of “classic” movies that I have yet to see for the first time. Even when I see they’re about to be shown on cable, and even when there’s not a lot better to do, I will continue to leave them on my “to do later” list. One of these days (right!) I’ll get around to seeing some of those 30’s or 40’s movies that everybidy brags about, but it just never seems to happen.

I’m pleased for your discovery. Now I’ll spend some mental energy trying to remember the last time an old movie that I hadn’t seen before affected me the way yours did. There have been a bunch that struck me as very weak to nonsensical, but a real jewel is far enough back that it’s a stretch at this time. One that comes to mind as a particular disappointment, and one I saw within the past few months was The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945) which seemed a tad overwrought to me.

You mean the Jeff Goldblum? Don’t leave us straining here, please.

That’s what he said.

That’s what who said? Jeff?

I’m with you on the “old movies” thing. I never seem to be in the mood for them lately. I can’t count MAS*H as an oldie, though, since I saw it the first time around. (I guess that makes ME an oldie!). Sometimes they don’t hold up. This movie is a gem. OMYGOD Hotlips (as originally cast) is a scream. They niced her up too much in the series. I prefer her as the horrid bitch she was in the movie.

Your comments prompted me to look up Sally Kellerman’s credits on IMDB. I can’t seem to locate what else she was in that I thought was particularly good. I have it in mind that she was a femme fatale in something maybe noirish, but the titles don’t help me remember. At any rate, I do prefer her to Loretta Swit, too.

That Fonzie has nothing to do with Cheers. Whatsoever.

I always thought it was weird that a show set in a bar would have a scene where somebody jumps over a shark.

I watched Suicide Kings again last night. When I went to IMDB to see if there was any interesting trivia about the movie, I learned that most of Denis Leary’s lines were improvised. Wow.

I saw her (Sally) at the Blue Max night club in Chicago in 1974. She was singing in a tight, slinky dress and she fell flat on her ass on the stage. She recovered gracefully, but that image is forever burned into my brain.

Goddamn! I bet it is. :smiley:

Wasabi is a Space Hazard:

That’s what I said, Jeff doesn’t say anything, he just watches.

Is that thrilling, then? Amusing? Annoying? Just an everyday matter? How is it you only learned of it yesterday? Jeff new to the neighborhood?

Have you moved to a new place where a poster of Jeff Goldblum graces the wall of the privy?

(I was at an event he attended once. He did not watch me poop).

You know, I had that same thought. The poster, that is. But then I got to wondering how that would be a sudden revelation. Was it something in Jeff’s smile (smirk more like) that only registered yesterday/today?