Son of a bitch! I'm addicted to lolcatz.

I always giggle when I see this one.

Oh, stop it! I’ll never get any work done now!

My sumbissions to LOLPresident.

Here’s one of my favorites.


WHOAAAAA there are too many things I’m laughing about here. The 42 little bastards. The fact that a grown man keeps 42 little bastards on his computer. The insane invisible bike picture. And one of my LEAST favorite things about SDMB is the horrible nerd puns. Congrats. This one actually made me laugh out loud. I think we’re kindred spirits.

My personal favorites:

Mini me
You’re adopted!
Pew pew pew

There’s several lolcat generator sites online now.

My creation want cheezburger so much but can’t has.

I love it, Elmwood!

I’ve been looking for one I saw long ago. It showed a kitteh on a tractor and it says “i has lawnmowr ph34r my d33r3” or something like that. It’s funny to me because we have a John Deere mower that Himself insisted we get, but I like using it, so it’s MY deere.

Lobster Mobster to Co-worker: “I’m addicted to lolcats”
Co-worker to Lobster Mobster (deadpan and without hesitation): “I’m addicted to meth”

Had this been a movie I would have spit out the coffee I was drinking. In real life, I almost gave myself a stroke from laughing.

Seriously though, what is it about these cats. It should be the dumbest most irritating thing in the world but its just so amazing. I don’t like cats! I really need answers. Why are lolcats so amazing. I need graphs! statistics! test tubes! stop watches! whatever it takes to get to the bottom of this phenomenon.

This week’s wallpaper:

You make kitty scared

Where are the lolcats shirts, dang it? I’m surprised they’re not popping up all over the place. Yet.

Sighhhh…as if lurking at the SD didn’t soak up enough of my work time, now y’all have turned me onto lolcatz (but also Bacon Salt so I guess it evens out). Add me to the “mystified but ensnared” crowd. The “two threads that go great together”…genius.

I am a lolcat (and bacon salt) fan.

Between work and playing in Mafia V, I managed to try and upload my first attempt at lolcatery to a couple of the sites, but they don’t seem to be in any hurry. So I put it on my (brand-spanking new and therefor pathetic and bereft of interesting content) blog .

I’m sittin here listening to the Indians game and it’s in the 13th inning or so and I was bored so I looked at ALL OF ICANHAZCHEEZBURGER dotcom.

I am trying really really hard to post in English now…that lolcat grammar is just so…I dunno…addicting?

What’s with the bizarre section of racist/anti-semitic/anti-gay ones that suddenly starts halfway down the page? I wouldn’t normally associate lolcatz w/ neo-nazis. :confused:

That was disturbing. DO NOT WANT!

I CAN HATH CHEEZBURGER? - Geoffrey Chaucer - LOLPilgrims - Cats can has grammar!

Both of these make all the linguists I know die laughing.

I can use gerund?

My new favourite!

I had never heard of LoLCatz until today. Then I clicked the link, flipped though some of the pictures, saw this, and laughed until my eyes watered.
I will hold you all resposible for this. ZOMG! U Peeplz Suck! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not a cat, but this one cracks me up: My Fav Snak!


This is my current favorite. Possibly you had to have grown up in the 80s to get it.

I dunno why, but I find LOLPresidents even funnier than the LOLcats. This one totally cracked me up.