Son of a bitch! I'm addicted to lolcatz.


Not only did I get sucked into the lolcatz, I soon found that they were nothing compared to LOLHoff. (read the comments for the reader submissions).

Ye gods… Someone sent me that picture on my birthday!

This one always cracks me up.

Missed the edit window looking for a couple more that I really like. This one is a pretty good example of my wife while driving. This one is my background right now.

To show how far this perversion of all that’s natural, good and holy has spread, here’s LoLBGG (BoardGameGeek).

Um… what?

That site could have been in Mandarin and would have made more sense to me.

There’s a wiki to lolcat-ize the bible:

Damn you dnooman. Damn you I say. You forced me to go through that whole archive and email links to people while giggling.

Damn you.

And of course to make it complete, there’s LOLpresidents.

This submission?. Was mine.
ETA: just realized that BiblioCat’s is a different LOLPresident site than mine.

Aside from the Schroedinger’s cat one referenced earlier, I think this entry is funny and pretty intelligent.

The only bad thing about I Can Has Cheezburger? is that the message board culture on there runs heavily to lolcatz grammar. I can stand it overlaid on a cute kitteh…er…kitty picture, but in a normal conversational post? DO NOT WANT!

cough Sorry…

You know what we need? We need someone who has gotten the Bacon Salt and has a cat to put them in a picture together with the cat trying to lick the Bacon Salt and the caption “It haz a flvr”. Two great threads that go great together!

I’ll go hide now.

I can has bakun salt cheezburger?

Ok, I’ll stop.

If someone made an “i iz berning ur dog” I would make it my wallpaper.

This one made me laugh so hard I peed a little… It doesn’t help any that I have a cat who looks so much like the one in the picture it’s uncanny. This one, though is my all time favorite and I have no idea why!

Lolcatz are teh greatest thing EVAR!

Hai! Izn’t u bannded?

Oh, hai, Opal!


And a non-Doper related, but seriously geek-related one…

Look like Gelfling…

I admit that I kind of really like the original lolrus.

Of course, for the catz, I also like this one, this one (which must be immediately followed by this one ) and many more.